Page 37 of Finally Home

“Rhodes, Please!”

“Please what, baby?”

Letting out an exasperated sigh, she finally takes off her sunglasses and glares at me. “Please, touch me.”

It takes serious effort not to smirk at her impatience, but I can’t pass up the chance to tease her a little. “I am touching you.” I murmur, punctuating my words with a tiny kiss over her bikini bottoms.

She whines and thrusts her hips up so her mound hits the bottom of my chin. “I need more.”

I can’t deny this woman anything. Slipping my fingers up her hips, I tug on the strings that hold her bottoms together and watch them unravel, leaving her bare. I glance up at her glassy eyes and hold her gaze as I drop to my knees on the floor so I can run my tongue leisurely through her soaked core, savoring her drawn-out whimper.

Her taste coats my tongue, and her needy whines make my cock jump eagerly. I undo my shorts and pull out my dick, giving myself a solid stroke while I keep my mouth over her pussy. “I want you to come on my face, Starling. Can you do that for me?”

I could stay between her legs for the rest of my life, but I’m already close from her teasing this morning, and I need her to come first. I push two fingers into her tight channel and curl them upwards, using enough pressure that she cries out.

“Oh, God, right there! Just a little more.”

Adding a third finger, I suck her swollen clit hard, and it sets her off. Feeling her pulse around my fingers brings me even closer to orgasm so I sit up and straddle her hips again, protesting when she knocks my hand from my rock-hard cock to take over.

“Wren, baby, I’m gonna come.” I rasp. Sweat beads on my forehead. I can’t focus on anything but the subject of my fantasies lying naked beneath me, her tan skin shimmers from the sun and her orgasm. It only takes another minute of her stroking me before I groan out my release, ropes of come landing on her perfect tits. “Jesus, Starling.”

She glances down at herself and then back to me with lust darkening her sparkling eyes. She drags a finger through the mess on her skin and without breaking eye contact, she slips it into her mouth and sucks it clean. “Holy fuck,” I choke. The sight alone is enough to have me hardening again.

I collapse next to her on the warm leather and pull her sticky body to mine as we breathe in the salty ocean air. Wren giggles and when I tilt her chin up so I can see her face, her eyes are filled with mirth. “What?”

“Sex on a boat wasn’t on my list when we started this, but I’m glad I got to check it off anyway. I never imagined this is how I would spend my time in Charleston.”

Her words are like a bucket of cold water over my post-orgasm glow. The blatant reminder that this situation is temporary feels like a hot poker in my gut. When she leaves at the end of the month, she’ll be taking my heart with her. But despite the impending misery, I can’t bring myself to regret a minute of my time with Wren.

I shake off the serious thought and smirk at her, picking up a strand of blonde hair that came loose from her bun. “How about we take it a step further and check off ‘sex in the ocean’, too?”

The smile she gifts me in return is brighter than the sun doing its best to burn my shoulders, and I know that even if all I can have of her are her firsts, I’ll still be happy. Either way, she’ll always be my everything.



I came dangerously close to confessing my love to Wren after that first day at camp late last week week, but then she shut me down brutally when I mentioned how good she was with the kids, so I worried she might not be ready for another commitment right now.

“Brutally” might be a strong word there, Gray. She distracted you with sex and then gave you the most incredible orgasm you’ve ever had.

Wrinkling my nose at myself in the mirror, I smooth out my shirt nervously. Wren meets with Jeremy today to discuss her leave and the possibility of working remotely from Charleston, and I’m headed to meet Archie so I can pick his brain about his daughter. She said she had a great chat with him last week, so while I don’t expect him to break her confidence, I’m at least hopeful he’ll give me some advice. I just want to know where she stands emotionally.

She’s in our kitchen sipping her chai when I walk in, and she wolf whistles. “You look handsome, Roly-Coly. Where ya headed?”

I’m pretty sure I hear a little bit of jealousy in her voice, but maybe that’s wishful thinking on my part. “I’m actually headed over to meet Dad and Archie for brunch and maybe a round of golf, so I probably won’t be back until late afternoon. Will you be okay here?” Obviously, I want her to feel comfortable being alone in our home—and it is our home—but there’s always a little niggle of worry in the back of my mind that she feels like I’m not giving her enough attention.

She laughs, and I’m struck dumb again by how incredibly beautiful she is in the mornings. Her cheeks are pink from yesterday’s sun and her freckles are out in full force. Her hair is a disaster, half of it in a braid and half of it hangs in tangles off of the side of her head.

Even though she’s talking, I need to kiss her right now, so I do, wrapping my arms around her and lowering her in an exaggerated dip. She’s breathless when I pull back, eyes bright with happiness.

“What was that for?”

I shrug with a sweet smile and kiss her forehead. “I just love you.”

Her eyes widen slightly, and I realize too late that what I just said sounded way more than a friendly I love you.

Holy fucking shit. Backtrack, you moron.