Page 23 of Finally Home

I leave the water and pills on the nightstand and grab the soft blanket from the end of the bed, tucking her in. Using one finger, I gently brush some of her long hair off of her face and lean down to kiss her forehead. I let my lips linger on her skin for a few seconds too long, inhaling her sweet shampoo and taking the chance to tell her the truth while she can’t hear me. “It’s only ever been you, Starling.”



A beam of sun wakes me up, and it takes less than three seconds for the pounding in my head to let me know I drank way too much last night. I always get the worst hangovers, no matter how much I drink. My mouth is dry and tastes disgusting, so I’m assuming I didn’t brush my teeth before bed.


I roll over slowly and squint at the small clock on the nightstand. It’s just after eight, and Rhodes, the perfect man that he is, left me Tylenol and water after I passed out. As I sit up to take them, I try to remember how I got to bed last night, but everything after our third shot is a little fuzzy. My last clear memory is watching Russell Brand gyrate on a stage in Hawaii.

I snort a laugh and make my way to the shower slowly so I don’t get sick. The hot water does wonders for my headache, so I allow myself to stand under the spray for an extra-long time before I finally start my routine. I’m midway through washing the conditioner out of my hair when last night’s memories flood back, the first one to hit me is the position debate, which is quickly followed with Rhodes is a freaking VIRGIN.

“Holy shit,” I whisper. I don’t know what it says about me that him being more inexperienced than me is so…hot. A crazy idea takes root in my head the longer I think about it, and I use the rest of my shower to mull it over. I consider every possible outcome and wonder if it’s something he would even consider since he’s always been so adamant that we’re just friends.

Plus, what if he’s not attracted to me? Or what if he’s actually asexual and just doesn’t realize it? The fact that we have a close emotional connection doesn’t automatically mean he’ll be attracted to me. Could our friendship survive a rejection like that?

I guess we’ll find out.

Rhodes is still asleep when I head downstairs so before I grab my keys I leave a note on the fridge, that way he knows I’ll be back with breakfast.

This conversation is going to require mimosas and something covered in gravy. Lots and lots of gravy.

A short while later, I arrive back at the house with a precariously-balanced pile of boxes and a drink carrier full of champagne and juice. Two hands I’d know anywhere grab the containers from me, and Rhodes’s smirking face comes into view. But the smirk drops when he opens the box to see biscuits and gravy from our favorite breakfast spot. “Starling, you absolute angel. You went to Huck’s?”

I scoff. “Obviously, I went to Huck’s. Where else are you gonna get the best hangover breakfast in Charleston?”

His smile is way too bright for this early in the morning as he takes the food from my hands, but just like always, it sends butterflies cascading through my belly. Only knowing what I do now sends them further south than usual, which makes my cheeks flush.

As soon as he sets the food on the island, I take a seat and dish us both up. His bare chest is directly in my line of sight and I quickly shovel food into my mouth to distract myself. I really don’t need damp panties while sitting at the kitchen island before 9 a.m.

I clear my throat, suddenly more nervous than I’ve ever been around him. “Hey Rho?”

He doesn’t lift his eyes, mumbling around a bite of food. “Yeah?”

“Do you, uh, remember anything about last night before we went to bed?”

He freezes and pushes his food around the plate. A blush that matches mine creeps up his neck and over his cheeks. “I was kind of hoping you didn’t. I never have a problem keeping my mouth shut when I’m drunk unless I’m around you, Starling. It seems like you’re always the exception.”

Hope blossoms in my chest. Maybe he won’t think my plan is so crazy after all. I realize I might not get a better opening, so I choose my words carefully and lay out my proposition.

“Listen, Rhodes, I think I have a solution to both of our…situations.” I start. “You’ve never done anything, and there’s so much I want to try that I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing with someone I barely know. I’m here for a month, so what if we used that time, and each other, to just…experiment?”

He opens his mouth to speak, and I hold my breath. My heart beats so hard, I think I might throw up. “Wren…” He grimaces.

Oh, no.

“You know what? Never mind. Honestly, it was just a silly idea, and I didn’t even consider the fact that you literally said you’ve never been attracted to any girls.” I have to get out of here. “Gosh, it is just such a gorgeous day outside. I think I’ll go for a nice long walk! See you in like, half an hour, yeah? Call me if you need anything!”

I barely stop long enough to grab my keys and AirPods out of my purse before I sprint out the door, desperate to run his impending rejection out of my mind.

What did I just do?


Did she just…?

I’m speechless as Wren backtracks and bolts out of the house for a run. I can’t form a coherent sentence right now even if I tried because I think Wren Reid, my best friend, just offered to take my virginity. And every single drop of blood in my brain rushed south leaving me with yet another inconvenient erection.