Page 14 of Finally Home

“I’m so sorry, Rho. I never wanted to make you feel like you aren’t one of the most important people in my life. Derrick got really controlling after my last trip home when he found out you had stayed at my dad’s house with us, and it was easier to distance myself instead of dealing with the constant arguing. I can’t even tell you how many nights I slept in my office or on a friend’s couch after he picked a fight with me at work. When I look back now, it’s obvious we didn’t have a healthy relationship, and truthfully, I think deep down I knew it was over for a long time before the video came out.”

I squeeze her to me tightly, holding back the fury that grips my throat knowing there were times Wren wasn’t comfortable in her own home. I kiss the top of her head and take a deep inhale of her honey apple smell.

“I promise, Wren, you will never have to feel like that again if I can help it. Especially while you’re living with me. You should never be afraid to go home, no matter what’s going on in your relationship. You are sweeter than sugar cookies at Christmas, Starling. The fact that your dumbass ex treated you with anything less than respect pisses me off to no end. You should know if I ever see him again, I will be breaking his nose.”

She chokes out a laugh. “Don’t go being all violent on my account, Rhodes Colter. I let him bait me into fights and instead of going home to work things out, I always ran. It’s what I know best. The few times I actually did go home after a fight, he wasn’t there, so after that I stopped trying. My therapist and I have been working on my avoidance issues when it comes to conflict, but I know I don’t want to fix things with Derrick.”

Wren is so strong. It probably makes me sound selfish, but I’m so damn glad she left that idiot and came home. I know she told me not to get violent, but I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself. I’ve been so angry since she told me what happened and now that I know he treated her like that for years and still got to have her when I couldn’t, makes me feel sick.

Before I can reply, her phone rings with a FaceTime call, “Crazier Best Friend” by Andi plays. I see the name Wesley on the screen, and I try not to jump to conclusions when her face lights up.

“Do you mind if I take this?” she asks excitedly.

I don’t need her to think I’m some asshole who doesn’t want her talking to anybody but me, so I give her a small nod and turn back to my food.

“Baby Reid! It’s about damn time you answered your phone. How are you? Did you settle in okay? Can we come visit now? Sorry, let me rephrase. We’re coming to visit tomorrow!” The masculine voice over the phone is familiar, but I can’t place it.

Wren snorts and my breath catches as my jealousy flares watching her beam at her phone.

Who the fuck is this guy, and why is she smiling at him like that?

I’m brought out of my jealous fog when she thrusts her phone at me with a wide smile.

“Wesley Black, this is Rhodes Gray. Rhodes, this is Wes.”

Looking at the small screen, I realize why his voice sounded so familiar, and my jealousy burns hotter. He’s the Sirens’ shortstop and my best friend’s younger brother.

I slap a friendly smile on my face and glance at Wren. She looks nervous.

“You must be the Rhodes we’ve heard so much about! It’s really nice to finally meet you, man. Wren’s told us so much about you. I feel like you’re my best friend, too,” he says with a manic grin.



“Wes,” I hiss. My cheeks are on fire, and I’m mortified. I really don’t need Rhodes knowing how much I talked about him the last four years.

I hear more than one person in the raucous laughter that comes through the phone, and I groan, covering my eyes with my hands.

Jamie’s familiar baritone makes me smile when he chuckles. “We’re just teasing you, Baby Reid. It really is nice to finally meet the guy who’s been such a big part of your life.”

Rhodes looks at me with one eyebrow raised and a small smile. He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to his side so we’re both in the frame. “Actually, I already sort of know Wesley.”

My eyes shoot to his in surprise, and he smirks as Wes shakes his head in confusion and refutes him on the screen. “Aidan is my best friend,” he explains with a shrug.

Realization dawns on me, and I start to laugh. “What a small world! I never realized your Aidan was Aidan Black. That’s awesome!”

Wes’s jaw is still hanging open when I turn back to look at him. “Holy shit. You’re Rhodes Gray.” He cackles. “God, am I that stupid, or did I just never put the pieces together when Wren told us about you? Aid talks about you all the time, man. It’s nice to officially meet you.”

Rhodes smiles as the guys razz him for being oblivious and my heart warms at the interaction.

All three of my Seattle boys are now on-screen giving us cheesy grins. “Wes decided we couldn’t wait any longer to come see you,” Asher says in his usual stoic tone. “Our flight lands at 11 a.m., and we can catch an Uber to the hotel.”

I scoff. “Why did you get a hotel? I told you my dad won’t mind y’all staying with him, and he’s not even home right now, so it’s actually perfect timing. And I will absolutely come pick you guys up from the airport.”

Rhodes clears his throat and scowls at me. “We will come pick you up from the airport.”

I’m a little taken aback by his tone, so I widen my eyes at him and mouth “What the heck?”