His words wash over me like a tropical rain, and the vestiges of shame and regret fall away.
In theory, I knew that none of it was my fault, but I couldn’t fight the nagging fear and regret of being an accomplice in my own assault. If only I hadn’t been so drunk… If only I hadn’t let him come inside…
Ethan is right. No part of what Mason did is my fault. Getting too drunk wasn’t a request to be raped.
Tears prick my eyes. “Thank you.”
Ethan gathers me into his arms and pulls me onto his lap. His warmth seeps into all my cold places. We sit this way for who knows how long. Time seems to slow.
“I want to take you out tonight,” he says a while later, his arms still wrapped around me. “We’ll go when I get back from practice. Anywhere you want.”
A dreamy smile spreads across my face. “Sounds wonderful.”
Chapter Nineteen
As we stand in line for the club, Ethan’s hand rests on my lower back, sending a delicious heat into my belly.
My spirit has been as light as air all day, and I think it’s because confessing to Ethan released a smothering weight on my chest. One I carried for six months.
I might finally be on the path toward finding my old self, and tonight, I’m testing it.
Clubs and parties lost their appeal after my drunken night with Mason, but I miss being out in large groups of people. I asked Ethan to take me to some of my old favorite spots downtown so we can drink and dance and reclaim my former life.
Our first stop was at one of my favorite bars, and I begged Ethan to take shots with me. I haven’t drunk at all in six months—alcohol was too closely tied to the night my life unraveled. Tonight is different.
I’m with Ethan. Ethan is safe.
And he’s completely adorable when he’s drunk.
He transformed after those shots. I could see all over his face the moment the alcohol finally hit. His gaze softened, and a subtle, inviting smile played at the corners of his lips. He started touching me constantly. Not anywhere interesting—unfortunately—but even his innocent touches give me a delicious thrill.
“Are you cold?” Ethan’s warm breath tickles my ear. He sets both hands on my shoulders, his thumb caressing my back.
A giggle escapes my lips. “Ethan, you’re so drunk.”
“No way. I’m only buzzed.”
When I twist around and see his face, I laugh harder. His grin is silly and almost boyish. This is a piece of him I’ve never seen in all these years. I’ve seen him at parties, but he’s never had more than one beer.
He’s letting go tonight. For me.
“I’m drunk?” Ethan says. “You’re laughing about nothing.”
“You wouldn’t think it was nothing if you could see your face.”
I’m startled when he lifts his hand high in the air and brings it down on my ass with a resounding smack. My stomach fills with heat even as my mouth drops open in shock. “What has gotten into you?”
His expression grows puzzled. “I don’t know. I just wanted to do it. I think I am drunk.”
My own buzz makes me bold. I step forward and lift my chin, and his warm, slightly boozy breath brushes over my face. “It would be a lot more fun over your lap.”
His eyes grow molten as they lock on my face. The air between us seems to crackle. He takes a step, closing the already minimal space between us. The heat of his body radiates toward me.
“Move!” A voice says from behind us.
It’s probably a good thing. I don’t want him telling me tomorrow that he only broke his vow never to kiss me again because he was drunk.