I should move her to my bed. It could wake her, but it would be worth the risk.
You want to hold her, Ethan. Don’t lie to yourself.
It doesn’t matter what I want. Even if my hands are twitching with the need to touch her, this is about what she needs. Her wrists will probably be blue and purple by tomorrow, and I can’t let her injure them further.
After bending down, I carefully slip one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders. She stirs slightly, murmuring something incoherent. A smile rises to my lips.
I lift her gently and pull her against my chest. Her little breaths tickle my neck, and the warmth of her body seeps into mine.
Fuck, this feels good. Why does it have to feel so good?
When I reach my bed, I lay her down and tuck my comforter around her. She curls up instinctively and shifts around until she’s lying on her side.
Unable to help myself, I reach out and stroke her hair from her face with the lightest of touches. Fuck, it’s so soft. Even silkier than it looks.
I stand here for a long while staring at her, my feet feeling leaden. What is this strange prickling at the back of my neck? The sight of her snuggled in my bed is unsettling in a way I can’t quite articulate. My chest aches as an electrifying tingle runs over my skin.
Then it hits me.
I want to be in that bed with her. In the moment, it feels like I’d sacrifice everything for it, including my whole religion.
Shit. Where did that blasphemous thought come from?
Chapter Twelve
A deep voice pulls me from the darkness. When my eyes crack open, the room is full of bright morning light. Why are the walls gray? The white crown molding on the edge of the ceiling doesn’t look familiar.
Where the hell am I? The last thing I remember is watching Jurassic Park with…
I jerk up, my eyes darting around the room until I find the source of the voice. Ethan is sitting on the couch with his phone to his ear.
“Did I wake you?” He winces. “Sorry, I tried to keep my voice down. Brandon, can I call you back? Sleeping beauty just woke up.”
Warmth unfurls in my belly at his words. Sleeping beauty. What an adorable nickname.
But it’s all so bizarre. Why is Ethan acting like this is no big deal? I passed out on his couch and woke up in his bed, and now he’s telling his pastor brother about it like it’s the most normal occurrence in the world. Golden boy Ethan just had a woman sleep over, and he’s completely nonchalant about it.
Ethan says goodbye to Brandon and sets his phone on the coffee table. He marches over to the bed with a satisfied smirk on his face. “You slept twelve hours.”
My head jerks back. “Twelve hours? What time is it?”
“Nine thirty. I’ve already worked out, showered, and finished a paper. It wasn’t easy. I had to use earplugs to drown out your snoring.”
I lift my hand to my mouth. “I snore?”
He grins. “A little bit. I didn’t really have to use earplugs, but I couldn’t miss out on an opportunity to embarrass you.”
“If it were possible to embarrass me, I think passing out on your couch and stealing your bed would be enough. How did I even get here?”
A brush of pink appears on his cheekbones. “I carried you to my bed, and I slept on the couch. I figured…” His gaze falls to the floor. “I wanted to make sure you stayed asleep since—you know—it was a big deal.”
He carried me while I was asleep, and I let him do it. My body didn’t jerk awake at the unfamiliar touch. Whoever thought I’d be comfortable with a man holding me in my sleep, even innocently?
A quietness settles in my heart. This is Ethan. He might be a pain in my ass, but I trust him more than anyone I know.