Page 5 of Sin

My skin heats. Is he implying that I want him to kiss me again?

God, he’s so full of himself.

I scowl. “I’d never tell Noah about our kiss. No matter what I said, he’d think I seduced you. He was pissed at me for dating Mason. He has that stupid rule that I’m not allowed to date his teammates.”

Ethan’s expression softens. “He was more pissed at Mason than you. He’s protective of you, and he doesn’t want to cause any unnecessary strain on our team.”

I cringe. “It’s gross and misogynistic that he thinks he has a say over who I date just because I’m his little sister.”

Ethan narrows his eyes. “And yet he was right to be worried about our team. He and Mason can barely stand each other. That’s our quarterback. It’s a big deal when the guy calling the shots can’t get along with his teammates.”

The idea of Mason being so exalted makes my skin crawl. He might be the quarterback, but he’s not very good at it, at least according to Noah. The only reason why the Hawks are a big deal—garnering national attention—is because of Ethan.

I open my mouth to speak but freeze when a light goes on behind me. I turn around, and sure enough, the glow is coming from my window.

“Fuck,” I mutter. “I think someone is checking on me.”

Ethan shuffles his feet. “Alright get inside. I won’t stick around to watch you crawl through the window. But I’d better not see you still out here by the time I get back to my room.”

I roll my eyes. “There’s no need to crawl through my window anymore. Someone is obviously waiting for me in my room.”

His intense gaze is on my face. “Promise me you won’t walk alone at night, Lily. I’m not asking because… I’m not trying to be a prick. I want to make sure you’re safe.”

Something about the look in his eyes and the warmth in his voice tells me he’s sincere. Before tonight, I never would have thought Ethan gave a shit about me, but after that kiss, I’m not sure if I ever really understood him.

“I’ll think about it,” I say. “I can promise I won’t go anywhere else tonight. Is that enough for you?

His expression grows hesitant. He stares at me for a long moment. “I guess it’ll have to be.”

My stomach fluttering, I turn around and walk in the direction of our porch. What a bizarre night.

My brother’s best friend just kissed me, and I don’t have a clue why he did it. Does annoyance make him horny? If so, he could have kissed me a million times before. I always aim to annoy Ethan.

When I open the front door to the house, Lorelai is sitting on the living room couch. She glances up from her textbook. “Kinsley is worried about you.” Her voice is raspy, as if from disuse. “You should probably find her before she calls your brother.”

I roll my eyes as I rush to my bedroom. Kinsley is a fierce caretaker, like it’s her one mission in the world. It was only mildly annoying before my life turned upside down. Now, I can’t stand her scrutiny. She knows something is off with me, and she won’t leave me alone until I tell her.

She’ll be waiting a long time. I don’t owe anyone explanations.

I walk through the end of the hallway to my bedroom door. Before I push it open, I hesitate.

God, I hate this room. It taught me that vibes are a real thing. This whole house used to be full of golden light and warm energy. Now, my room is a cavern of shadows and tension, a prison cell of my unescapable anxiety.

When I open the door, Kinsley is sitting on my bed, thankfully here to distract me from my unpleasant thoughts. Her head jerks up when I enter. “You said you’d be home by midnight.”

I shrug. “I felt like staying out later.”

“It’s almost three in the morning. On a school night.”

I smile tightly. “Yes, mommie dearest. It is.”

She lets out a heavy breath. “I’m not trying to be annoying. You can stay out as late as you want. I was just worried.”

Tension eases from my body. Kinsley really does care, and it’s not fair for me to be so irritated with her. She and I used to talk, and I haven’t confided in her about anything since that night with Mason.

“I thought I heard your voice outside,” Kinsley says. “Were you out with someone else?”

I open my mouth and then close it, wondering how much I should tell her about Ethan.