The word leaves me stunned. I think my mouth might actually be hanging open. When I glance back at Logan’s face I see the ghost of a smile hovering on his lips. “I can see you’re scared shitless,” he says. “And I feel for you, I really do, but I have to look out for myself. I don’t want closure sex. If this isn’t an opening for reconciliation, I’m walking. I’ll leave you alone just like I said I would.”
I place my freezing, clammy hands over my hot cheeks.
It’s such a big, scary word. It means opening myself up and giving him the chance to hurt me once again.
When he takes a step back, panic flares. “Wait!” I shout.
He halts in place, but his expression is still hard. Determined.
“Okay we can do that, but do I have to…” I trail off when my throat grows tight. “Do I have to agree to something right away?”
“No, but I’m not going to let you string me along for five months either.”
“I would never do that!”
When he laughs, I realize my blunder. I shut my eyes in shame.
Suddenly, I feel the pressure of his arms around my shoulders and the heat of his breath in my ear. “It’s okay, honey. I won’t make fun of you anymore. Let’s go have our reconciliation sex.”
I shriek when he grips me by the ribcage. He lifts me into the air and tosses me over his shoulder. “What are you doing?” I shout.
“Taking you inside. Oh, and I think I might take you up on that reconciliation spanking too.” He pats my ass with his palm.
“Please do.” I giggle, a little hysterically. “I like it hard.”
“Oh, I was already planning on doing it hard. You’ve been a bad girl lately, writing a revenge list and making your poor, needy boyfriend cry.”
I smile, my chin pressing against his back as he steps over the threshold of the back door. “In my defense, he was a pretty bad boy.”
His voice goes quiet. “He was, but if it’s any consolation, he paid dearly for it.”
As soon as we make it to my bedroom, he tosses me onto the bed. The breath I’d been holding releases in a gasp.
He immediately reaches for my pants. He grabs the top button and twists his fingers around it once before letting go. His hands are shaking. “Fuck these jeans,” he says. “They’ve got like fifteen buttons, all the way up to your tits.”
I can’t help but smile. I love it when he’s like this—so frantic that he can’t even perform a simple task, like unbuttoning my high-waisted jeans. I grab his hands and give them a tight squeeze before placing them at my waistband. “You can just yank them. You don’t have to undo them one-by-one.”
He grips tight and pulls my pants open. “Thank fuck,” he says as he peels them off along with my underwear. He lowers his mouth to my belly. I gasp as he presses soft kisses down to my navel. When he reaches my pussy, I expect to feel the warmth of his tongue, but instead he burrows his face, inhaling deeply.
“Mmm,” he hums. “Your pussy smells so good. I’ve missed it.”
“I don’t want you to lick it. I want your cock first.”
“I’m in charge, Girard.”
I lift my hand to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot. Do you want to spank me?” The words feel so foreign on my tongue.
I feel the warmth of his chuckle on my skin. He looks up at me. “I was fucking with you. I don’t want to spank you.” His smile disappears, his eyelids growing heavy as he crawls forward over my body. When he reaches my face, his lips crash onto mine. “I’m way too impatient for that.”
I know exactly what he means. I lift my hands to grip the straining fabric at his arms. “Take this off. Now. I need you naked.”
“Oh god, Lani,” he says as he straightens, gripping the bottom of the shirt with his fingers. “I think I might die if I don’t fuck you soon.” He pulls the tight shirt up over his torso, but it gets stuck at his shoulders.