Page 33 of Revenge Cake

Dean grins. “So, you’ll be a deadbeat just like Brenna? That’ll be awesome. Seriously!” he exclaims when he sees my doubtful expression. “You guys can watch Netflix all day and go out to clubs in the city on a weeknight with no lines. It’ll be like college life but without classes. I would seriously kill for a year of that. Being an adult fucking sucks. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

I smile sympathetically, but I can’t help feeling a little jealous of him. Dean may be a frat boy grown up, but he has his shit together. He has a real job at a big accounting firm in San Jose and his own apartment in Mountain View. He only misses the limited responsibility of being a college student because he has no idea what it feels like to be aimless.

Dean would never miss out on graduate school because he couldn’t do an interview without having a panic attack.

“Armaan, what are your plans?” Dean asks. My gaze automatically shifts to Brenna. She doesn’t lift her eyes from her menu, but I know she’s bracing herself for Armaan’s answer. He’s never even given her a direct answer on this subject, and I know she’s had her heart set on moving with him, though she’s never said so out load.

“I don’t know,” Armaan answers, grabbing a menu from the center of the table and laying it out in front of him. “I’ll just be happy to graduate.”

Brenna smiles sarcastically. “He has a 2.1 GPA.”

“That’s right! Which means I’m no longer on academic probation!” Armaan lifts his hand and gives Dean a high-five.

“His brother graduated summa cum laude,” Brenna adds. “From Stanford.”

I sigh heavily as I look down at my menu, wondering if this is what I sound like when I talk about Logan. I hope not. I hope my hurt hasn’t made me quite this spiteful.

Though I suppose I did write a revenge list.

“And he tells literally everyone who ever talks to him about anything,” Armaan says. “If he was here, he would tell our server.”

Brenna glares at Armaan. “I’ve literally never once heard Vik mention that he graduated summa cum laude. Not once.”

Armaan keeps his eyes fixed on the menu. “Well,” he says quietly. “He’s always thinking about it.”

“So, Lani,” Dean starts, thankfully changing the subject. “Brenna told me you and Logan are on the outs.”

I try to seem unmoved when I say, “That’s right.”

“So obviously that means you and I are going to finally take this rampant sexual tension to the next level.”

“This will be her first post-breakup lay,” Brenna says. “You’re crazy if you think she would settle for you.”

“Nah.” Dean shakes his head. “She needs to slum it the first few times. That’s how rebounds work. She needs to pick a guy who’s so into her, he’s okay doing all the work. She can just lay there if she wants.” He turns to me. “I’d be honored to do all the work for you.”

I wrinkle my nose as I smile at Dean in gratitude. This is a good sign. If his thoughts are already in this direction after ten minutes of social chatter, I can only imagine what he’ll be like at the bars tonight. “I’ll think about it.”

“You and Logan are not broken up.”

The statement startles me, mostly because of the icy tone rather than the words themselves. I jerk to face Armaan. I’m confused by his hard eyes and tight jaw, and I realize it’s because I’ve never seen him angry before.

“It’s not really clear what we are right now,” I say.

Armaan tilts his head to the side sarcastically, pursing his lips. “Hmm, no, it’s perfectly clear actually. You’re on a break. You’re not broken up.”

“They’re on a break?” Dean nearly shouts. “You’ve got to be kidding me! God, Logan’s a fucking douche, Lani. You need a real man.” Wincing, Dean turns to Armaan. “No offense to your boy. I’ve just never been a fan. He’s one of those people who pretends like he’s the nicest guy ever, but deep down he’s a dick. In his heart. Where it counts.” He gestures in my direction. “Who in their right mind would want to go on a break from Lani?”

“Who, indeed.” I smile at Dean, relieved that Logan’s dislike of him is mutual. It will only aid my scheme. Maybe Dean will intentionally make him jealous today.

As we finish our meals, I shoot Brenna a look. She nods faintly and mouths what looks like, “I got you, girl.” Turning to Armaan she says, “I have three more stores I need to hit before we go home. You’re coming with me.”

“Absolutely not. I’ve put in my time today. Have Lani go with you. You can take my car. Dean will take me home.”

Brenna shakes her head. “Lani has a meeting with a professor at two o’clock, and I’m not going shopping alone.”

Armaan groans. “Dean can go with you, and I’ll take Lani.”

Dean helpfully interjects. “Nah man, I call dibs on Lani.”