Page 15 of Revenge Cake

“That’s a good southern accent.”

“Thanks, but apparently it’s inaccurate. My mom says Lauren and I remember her accent being way thicker than it actually was.”

“Memory’s funny that way.” I lift my hand to stroke his hair, surprised at my own gesture of intimacy. I’m rarely this touchy with anyone, but then again, he’s touchy with me. Most guys find me too cold to dare stroke and pet me like a lapdog. “Tell me about her basement.”

His pale green eyes alight with warmth. “It was my little kid fantasy come to life. It was this giant room, and it was all cold and dark, and had this pullout bed and old school Nintendo. My cousins and Lauren and I could play video games all night long and be as loud as we wanted and no one could hear us. When I buy a house someday, it’s going to have a basement.”

My smile spreads across my face. I wonder if that basement is actually bigger and colder and darker in his memory than in real life, just like his grandma’s embellished southern accent. Joy tends to do that to our memories. It makes me wonder if I’ll remember Logan being even sweeter than he is right now, years from now, long after he’s forgotten me. “Do you think you’ll stay in California after college?”

“I don’t know. Engineering jobs are everywhere, and sometimes I think of looking for one far away just to try something new, but then I’m not sure if I could live without Mexican food.”

“I’ve thought the same thing!” I whisper-shout, not wanting to wake Armaan and Brenna in the next room over. “And I’ll probably have to move to the Midwest for graduate school. I don’t know how I’ll survive.”

This gets his attention. He lifts his head as if to get a better view of my face. “So graduate school is a set thing for you?”

“Oh, yeah. I knew it from the beginning when I chose sociology. But I don’t mind. I love school. I’m a nerd.”

He nods thoughtfully, and I wonder what he’s thinking, why my after-college plans seem important to him. It couldn’t be that he’s thinking of our future already…

But then again, I almost forgot he’s The Relationship Sociopath.

Well, whatever. Even if he’s thinking about a relationship, he’ll be long gone by the time I leave for graduate school.

The melancholy that overcomes me at that thought gives me pause. What’s wrong with me? I just met this guy three days ago. It’s unacceptable to be feeling this much already. I need to get a hold over myself.

I twist away from him, reaching for my phone on his nightstand. “It’s after five,” I say after tapping the screen. “I should probably head out.” I hop off the bed and start searching for my dress, the cold air making my bare nipples hard.

“What?” He sounds shocked.

“I think we’re long past actually sleeping—”

“Hell no, we’re not! We’re going to sleep in until noon and then I’m going to make you waffles.”

I smile at his vehemence. “I’m not a good sleeper, and I don’t like cuddling.”

He scoots to the edge of his bed, gesturing to the wide-open spot next to him. “Then we won’t cuddle, but you’re not leaving. Come on. You know that’s bullshit.”

I stare at him steadily. “Logan, I won’t be your next crazy ex-girlfriend.”

He holds my gaze for a moment before snorting out a laugh. “I don’t remember asking you to be my next crazy ex-girlfriend.”

I lift a brow. “You know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t.”

“You’re thinking about our future already.”

“I was actually just thinking about waffles.” When I continue to stare at him skeptically, he shrugs one shoulder. “I don’t know what to tell you, Lani. I’m a simple guy. I have a dumb face and a dumb voice and I like waffles. I want to make you some in the morning, which means you’ll need to come back to bed. So, get over here.” He pats the mattress. “And I’ve been having to stare at you naked for the last minute”—he gestures over my body—“so I can’t promise you’ll get to sleep right away. And I’m not really sorry about it either.”

A small smile tugs at my lips as I make my slow walk back to the bed. He makes me feel light and easy, I realize, and that’s why I like him so much already. I’m not a light and easy person. I’m dark and twisty most of the time, and being with Logan Henderson is a welcome reprieve.

But when he shifts his body over mine and plants a hard kiss on my lips, I realize his trick. Those friendly eyes don’t fool me as they stare back at me with hard, possessive triumph.

He does want me to be his next crazy ex-girlfriend. And he wouldn’t have so many crazy ex-girlfriends behind him if he wasn’t good at luring us in, and lowering our guards. He knows exactly what to say to make our icy hearts melt.

I refuse to fall for it