Page 50 of The TV Show Rival

Jamie scoffed, a humorless sound. “So, all that love was just a way to find a weakness? A way to gain an advantage?”

Jess’ heart pounded against her ribs. “No, that’s not true! I…” she stammered, searching for the right words. “I really cared about you, Jamie. I still do.”

But the damage was done. Jamie’s face contorted with a mix of anger and hurt. “To hell with your love, Jess!” she roared. “You’re nothing but a manipulator! And since your precious team won, you can shove those rewards down your throat!”

With that, Jamie turned on her heel and stormed off, her silhouette disappearing into the gathering darkness.

Tears welled up in Jess’ eyes, blurring the already fading light.

She had won the competition, but at what cost?

She had clawed her way to the top, but in the process, she had lost something far more valuable—the love and trust of the person who meant the most to her.



The show’s break couldn’t have come at a better time. Stuck in her disaster zone of a room, she’d rather not go out nor see anyone. Clothes were strewn across the floor like fallen soldiers, empty pizza boxes stacked precariously on the floor, and an army of empty wine bottles glinted accusingly from the corner.

Jamie couldn’t pinpoint the last time she’d slept or eaten anything resembling a proper meal, for that matter. Alcohol, it seemed, was the only thing keeping the deafening roar of her thoughts at bay.

It was a good thing the show had gone on a production break else how would she have faced her team? Losers. That’s what they were now, thanks to her.

Worthless coach. The words echoed in her head, as she gulped from the whiskey bottle. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d consumed this much, the sweet burn a dull comfort against the raging storm of emotions within.

Calls went unanswered, diverted to voicemail. Right now, all she craved was the bleak solace of solitude.

Every time her mind drifted to Jess, her fists clenched. Why did she always fall for the wrong people? Was there a flashing neon sign above her head that screamed Easy Target? The sting of tears pricked at her eyes, but she blinked them back, refusing to give in.

There was no sugarcoating it. The competition was over, the trophy likely gathering dust in Jess’ gloating hands. But the real prize, her team’s unwavering trust and respect, was shattered beyond repair, and it was all her fault. She’d been naive, blinded by something that felt suspiciously like… love? The thought sent a bitter laugh bubbling up from her chest. Love. What a joke.

The silence in the room was broken only by the rhythmic thud of her own heart. Lost. They’d lost, and it was all on her. The weight of that realization threatened to crush her, the guilt a bitter pill she couldn’t swallow.

Jamie scrolled mindlessly through her Instagram feed, the happy faces and celebratory posts on Ultimate Body Battle was all she could see.

The entire platform buzzed with news of the finale. Jess’ team, the Bootcamp Brigade, was getting all the glory.

Comments hailed Jess as a strategic genius, the “champion of boot camp.” Articles and fan forums were rife with speculation. Some praised Jess for exploiting the Zen Warriors weaknesses, calling it a savvy game move. “A competition is a competition,” they argued. “Jess won fair and square.”

Others weren’t so impressed. A storm of comments trolled Jess for using underhanded tactics. “Unethical!” they cried. “Not a fair battle!” A few wild theories even popped up, suggesting a secret romance between Jess and Jamie, or that Jess was some kind of super-spy who’d infiltrated the Zen Warriors’ camp to steal their secrets.

The comments took a darker turn, some criticizing the show’s producers for allowing someone “mentally unstable” (referring to Maya’s claustrophobia) to participate.

The most vicious comments slammed Jamie. “Stupid coach” was a phrase that kept reappearing, a painful confirmation of her self-loathing.

But there were glimmers of support too. A few messages praised her for being a “true believer in love,” even if it backfired.

Others expressed their excitement for a “Bootcamp Brigade victory lap,” picturing Jess hoisting the trophy aloft.

With a self-disgusted scoff, she slammed her phone face down on the bed.

The negativity was a bitter pill to swallow, but in a way, it was easier to digest than the sickening praise Jess was receiving.

Burying her head in the pillow, Jamie shut out the virtual world and its harsh judgments. Right now, all she could believe was the chorus of her own inner critic—the one that branded her a stupid coach.

And all she could think of was Jess’ betrayal. She had thought there was something real building between them. She had thought she was falling in love with Jess, but none of it was real. It was all just a mirage. Clearly for Jess it had just been about sex.

She kept crying when she thought of Jess and their time together.