Page 48 of The TV Show Rival

“But wait, there’s more! To add a layer of delicious chaos, we’ve hidden a limited number of wild card clues throughout the course.”

“Finding a wild card clue, might grant you a small advantage, like skipping a particularly tricky physical challenge.”

The prospect of bypassing a grueling obstacle was appealing. Jess envisioned herself confidently leading her team past a daunting rock face and the image brought a triumphant smirk to her lips.

“However, there’s also a chance you might encounter a roadblock. They are physical challenges that only one team member can complete on behalf of the team. This means you’ll need to strategize and decide who’s best suited for that obstacle.”

Finally, Roger laid out the ultimate prize. “The first team to find the treasure chest within one hour wins it all. There are actually two different paths that lead to the chest, so the first team to get there and snag it will be crowned the champions! So, are you ready to test your knowledge, your courage, and your teamwork? Let the treasure hunt begin!”

The thrill of the competition was palpable. Jess met Jamie’s gaze across the room, a silent challenge passing between them. This was it. Time to outwit, outmaneuver, and outlast. The game was on.

Jess ripped open the envelope containing their first clue. The riddle, scrawled in elegant script, read: Where the mighty river meets the salty spray, whispers of legends point the way.

Jess, with her knowledge of Costa Rica gleaned from travel shows and documentaries, immediately recognized the key elements of the riddle. The “mighty river” most likely referred to the Rio Grande, a prominent landmark in the area.

The “whispers of legends” was a trickier one. It could either be a specific beach known for its calmness or a more metaphorical reference to a secluded cove. They debated several possibilities. Could it refer to specific landmarks near the cove? Or perhaps statues or sculptures?

Finally, one of them remembered a local legend she had heard about three guardian spirits who protected a hidden path near the mouth of the Rio Grande.

Putting the pieces together, Jess concluded that the hidden path must be located near a secluded cove, guarded in some way by the location of specific landmarks or natural features.

With this hypothesis in mind, they raced towards the Rio Grande, eager to test their theory.

Their path was far from easy. A treacherous rock face, slick with morning dew, forced them to work together, their bodies forming a human chain to help each other navigate the climb. Emerging scratched and breathless, they plunged into the dense jungle, following a barely discernible trail.

Then, just as doubt began to creep in, they emerged into a clearing bathed in the golden light of the rising sun. The Rio Grande, a majestic serpent of jade green, snaked its way towards the turquoise embrace of the ocean.

Following the shoreline, they spotted a weathered signpost, half-buried in the sand. Beneath a layer of peeling paint, they discovered a small, weather-beaten box. Inside lay the next clue: Through tangled vines and hidden doors, the secrets of the ancients roar.

This clue sent them scrambling into the undergrowth, their path blocked by a thicket of thorny vines. With gritted teeth and determined shouts, they hacked their way through, emerging into a hidden cavern adorned with ancient petroglyphs.

Another box, cleverly camouflaged against the rock wall, held the final clue: Where the sun meets the earth, victory awaits its rightful birth.

Time was ticking. With a renewed sense of urgency, they raced towards a nearby hill, their lungs burning with exertion. Reaching the summit, they were met with a breathtaking panorama—the sprawling landscape bathed in the golden glow of the mid-morning sun.

But where was the chest? Panic threatened to rise, but then Jess spotted it—a shine of metal half-buried beneath a lone kapok tree. She retrieved the final clue: a simple set of coordinates.

But there was a catch. A steep, crumbling cliff face separated them from the treasure.

A tense silence descended upon the group. This was a roadblock, a challenge that only one member could overcome. All eyes turned to Diego, their strongest climber.

His muscular frame, honed by years of mountain climbing, seemed custom-built for this obstacle—a sheer cliff face, its base shrouded in mist. The only way to access the treasure nestled on a rocky ledge halfway down was a precarious rope ladder, swaying gently in the afternoon breeze.

Diego stepped forward, his face a mask of steely determination.

Lunging forward, Jess grabbed Diego’s arm before he could descend. “Diego, this is it. We’ve come this far, but remember, teamwork wins the game.”

Her voice dropped even lower, almost conspiratorially. “Jamie told me the Zen Warrior secrets. Once you get to the cave down the cliffside, if you run into any of them, get in their way. Make them feel like there’s not enough room for you both. Just trust me. We’ll use their most secret fears to crush them.”

Diego’s eyes widened in surprise. Inside information about the other team was unexpected but welcome; he’d take any advantage he could get.

With a deep breath and a silent prayer, Diego secured his harness. The click of the carabiners echoed in the deafening silence as he edged towards the cliff’s edge. The wind whipped at his face as he began his descent, a solitary figure dwarfed by the immensity of the rock face.

Minutes stretched into an eternity. Each gust of wind carried the sound of crashing waves, a chilling reminder of the danger below. Jess watched, her heart hammering against her ribs.

Doubt gnawed at the edges of her confidence. Had she made the right call? Was using Jamie’s secrets a fair tactic?

Just as despair threatened to consume them, a movement caught Jess’ eye. A flicker of movement on the cliff face. Diego. He was ascending, a dark silhouette against the sun-drenched sky.