Juno licked his lips. “May I touch you?”
Piper felt a sudden spike of fear. He knew there was almost no chance he was going to keel over from an orgasm, but he’d seen enough shitty movies where the old guy bit it from a good, hard fuck, and he didn’t want that to be him.
But he also wanted to give Juno access to his body. As much pleasure as he’d been getting out of this, he knew the balance was off.
“Yes,” he finally said, pulling his hand back.
Juno closed his eyes with a shudder, then opened them again. “I’ll be so careful.” He eased Piper onto his back, pulling his boxers down to display his dick. It was mostly soft, dribbling a little precome from the tip. His foreskin was covering the head entirely, and he groaned when Juno ran the tips of his fingers over it.
His cock plumped a bit.
“I think he likes me.”
Piper rolled his eyes. “Don’t talk about it like it’s sentient.”
Juno let out a small giggle, and then he picked up his cock and held it against his warm, burn-calloused palm. It felt so good to be touched like that. His dick remained stubbornly limp, but he didn’t want Juno to stop.
“Can I suck on you?”
Piper moaned. “I won’t be able to get hard.”
“I know. But if it’ll feel good…”
“It will. Fuck,” Piper gasped. He hadn’t realized how badly he needed it. He’d been neglecting himself, and this touch alone was so much.
Juno smiled at him—his grin like the sun—and he leaned in with parted lips. He was careful, just like he promised to be. His tongue touched his slit, teasing at the foreskin before he took him into his mouth fully. He didn’t try to get him hard. Instead, he suckled gently while his free hand went to play with Piper’s balls.
Frustration welled in him. He wanted to be like it was—when he was virile and well. He wanted to show off his size—to pin Juno to the wall and fuck him senseless. Instead, he was lying here like a limp fish.
“That’s good,” he said. His tone was a little rough.
Juno pulled back. “Am I doing something wrong?”
“It’s all me, sugar.” Piper squeezed his eyes shut as he pulled Juno close. “I’m frustrated with myself. I want to be more for you. I want to be better.”
“I know.” Juno didn’t feed him platitudes about this being enough. He let Piper just feel his anger at his situation. It was what it was. And maybe it would get better, and maybe it wouldn’t.
“Thank you,” he whispered after a long beat.
Juno pulled back and cupped his cheek. “Kiss me.” Piper did, without hesitation. Their tongues danced, and Piper could taste a little of himself on Juno’s tongue. “I can’t wait to travel with you.” He settled against him and wrapped their legs together. “I’m going to close my shop this week.”
“Are you upset about it?”
“Not as much as I thought I’d be,” Juno admitted. “I’ll need to figure out something because as you saw, I can’t really bake in my own kitchen, but I think an at-home bakery is my best bet. It’ll give me the chance to learn how to do this without my sight.”
Piper wanted to point out that Juno had already been given an offer to stay here. But it was too soon to bring it up again. “Whatever you need from me.”
“Right now,” Juno said softly, turning his face against Piper’s chest and kissing the space over his heart, “just this.”
Well. He could definitely do that.
What worried Juno most was how comfortable he was getting in Piper’s space. It was why he’d put distance between the two of them. It was why he took Miles up on his offer to go visit in spite of telling himself that he was going to avoid his friends until he was ready to fess up about his eyesight.
And the visit had gone well enough. He wasn’t surprised that Miles’s boyfriend picked up on his limited vision, but he was surprised it was Emmett, the scientist, instead of Cosimo, the surgeon. Though he supposed that considering that Cosimo was a cardiologist, he wasn’t any more likely to realize something was off than the physicist.
Luckily, the only thing Emmett had done was quietly pull him aside and ask if he needed help paying for a doctor. It was sweet, mostly because it was genuine and not patronizing the way that do-gooders tended to be with Juno, especially after learning about his background.