Jack snorted. “Do you know how hot you are when you say fuck?”
I chuckled a bit but was distracted by the cryptic message. “Like you when you told Hammer that sometimes an omega wants his alpha to fuck him?”
Jack sat up quickly. “Oh my god. I just figured you out.”
“What?” I said, half smiling.
“You slammed your cup down on the counter after I said that. I thought you were mad about me saying that word or something, but that wasn’t it…”
I strolled over and kissed him on the lips. “No. That wasn’t it. My hyena was not happy to hear you speak of another alpha. I realize that now. Irritated the fuck out of him.”
“What does the message say?” Jack asked, standing up and looking over my shoulder. You have something that belongs to us, hyena. He read the message out loud. “Are they talking about Ryan and the kids?”
I shrugged. “I think so. Let’s go ask the others.”
We walked out to the kitchen where King and Pop-Tart were giving Bryant a bit of yogurt and some berries and talking about security plans.
“Anybody recognize this number?” I asked, sliding the phone across the table to King.
The lion let out a snarl and caught it. He viewed the message and shook his head. He got out his own phone and after pressing some numbers said, “It’s not in my phone as a number I’ve called or received a call from. You, Pop-Tart?”
Jeremy took the phone and after repeating King’s search on his own phone said, “Not me either. What the fuck does that message mean?”
Even though they were both talking to me, my gaze was glued to Jack. Watching him clean up Bryant’s face. The way our son immediately tucked his nose into Jack’s neck, letting his papa’s scent ease him.
“Hello?” King said, chuckling. “Do you know what this means?” He slid the phone back to me.
“I don’t,” I answered, tearing myself away from staring at my omega. “I thought maybe it was talking about Ryan and the cubs he brought here.”
“Maybe,” King replied. “But I don’t like it and neither does my lion. I think we need to call Hammer and the others. Get them in here. Tighten up security and let Tyrus run this number through the system.”
“You think it’s that serious?” Jack asked, clinging tighter to Bryant.
“I think we don’t take chances anymore,” King answered him. “Hammer would agree. We leave nothing to chance. Nothing.”
“I’m calling.”
Hammer and Tyrus arrived less than an hour later. Maverick had stayed behind to guard the other omegas and especially our team’s omegas and their babies. The dragon would take out a city in one breath.
“Can I see the message?” Hammer asked Jack, who held my phone while I held a fussy Bryant. Jack handed the phone over, and Hammer smiled at him. “Congratulations are in order, I presume, omega?”
Jack’s blush and my growls were immediate and bold. Jack nodded. “Thank you, Hammer. Your presumption is correct.”
“Pay up.” Tyrus put his hand out to Pop-Tart then King then Hammer. Each of them slapped a twenty into his palm with a grunt.
“What in the actual hell?” I ground out and then calmed myself since Bryant had reacted to my growl by sticking out his bottom lip. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m not mad,” I cooed at Bryant who laid his head on my shoulder.
Tyrus chuckled. “What? We had a pool. I won.”
“You guys are the worst. Just look at the damned message.”
Hammer sat down. “Tell me what you are thinking.”
“My first instinct was that it meant Ryan and the cubs, but that’s why we called you and Tyrus in.”
“I already put the number in the database. It’s not anyone we’ve communicated with before, so it would make sense that it’s in regard to Ryan,” Tyrus said before digging into his food.
Hammer put his palms on the table. “Let’s get some perimeter checks done. Ty, scan the cameras. King, I want you and Aziz here with the omegas. Jeremy, you and I are on night patrol.”