“I’ll make up for it,” I said, sitting next to Jack.
“Stop focusing on the past, Aziz. Let’s live for now. That’s what the counselor told me. We can’t change the past. No amount of reliving it is going to undo anything.”
“That’s good advice, sweet omega.”
“About time,” Pop-Tart said, coming in to the kitchen. He checked the schedule and began getting veggies out for the salad.
I chuckled, already knowing what he was talking about.
“Shut it, Pop-Tart,” Jack said. They had a friendly relationship as he did with me. They bantered more than he and I did though.
We finished prepping for dinner. King arrived a few hours later and had the night shift for guarding.
After dinner, Jack and I went on the back porch where Pop-Tart had put up a swing. There were so many things to do on the house. Projects. Programs. Day-to-day things but, tonight, I wanted to sit still with my omega. Be with him.
Be with our son.
“He has barely left your side all day.” Jack reached out for the pup who went to his papa without a fuss.
“We have been bonding,” I answered, wrapping my arm around Jack’s shoulders.
“I think I want to go for the doula program with the healer,” Jack blurted.
“I heard about how you helped Sloan. You are kind and patient. I bet you would make an excellent doula. Midwife. Healer even.”
He turned to me, nestling Bryant in between us. The little squirt did a couple of turns, like a wolf making a perfect nest, and then plopped down, his head leaning on me and his feet on Jack. “Do you really think so?”
“Of course. You are capable and intelligent. Honestly, you could do anything you want in this life, omega. I’ll support you through anything, I hope you know that.”
Gods, I wanted to seal that promise with a kiss.
“I’m going to ask him the next time we see him.”
“Good,” I agreed. “And if that doesn’t work out, we’ll find something else for you to study or pursue.”
“You believe in me,” Jack whispered.
“Of course I do. I always have. Even before I realized you were mine.”
We looked down to see Bryant asleep in between us. My hyena could scent my omega, needy and full of lust for me.
Jack pulled out his phone and texted someone and then laughed.
“What?” I asked.
“Pop-Tart said he would watch Bryant if you and I wanted some time to ourselves.”
My heart beat against my sternum. “He offered?”
“No. I asked him.”
“Jack? You said…we said we wanted to take this slowly.”
He sighed. “Fuck slow. I’ve been waiting so long for you. Unless you…”
“There’s nothing I want more in this world than to knot you, mate.”
Chapter Fifteen