Her smile was warm and welcoming.
“Residents, at least for now,” Aziz said. “We’re going to have to turn one of the conference rooms into temporary living quarters. I think the one on the other side of the kitchen is the largest.”
It was a good idea to keep them all together, at least in the beginning. They knew and trusted Ryan. Any other placement would only add an element of stress they didn’t need.
“I’ll go grab a couple of people and make that happen.” She set down the clipboard that was in her hand. “And then I’ll find some clothes and toiletries from our supply closet and we’ll get them all settled in.”
One of the things the alphas had insisted on before the move here was supplies for those who needed them. They’d brought them over and put them in place even before we moved, back when we were furnishing the place. There were clothes, toys, diapers, and health and beauty products.
I was hoping we’d never have to use them, but now I was so grateful they were here.
“Excellent. Thanks, Nora.”
“Not a problem.” She squatted down to be at eye level with the younger ones. “I’ll see you kids later. I have some really fun games and toys you can play with.”
None of them said a word, but the fear that had been flowing off of them was lessening, so that was a good thing.
“Let me get you some clothes,” I said to Ryan. “And then we can take the cubs to get something to eat.”
Unlike Ryan, the kids were all too little to shift and, while they didn’t need clothes right now, the ones they had were tattered and muddy. Either they had been on a long journey or had been hiding in the woods for quite a while. In any case, after we got them fed, I’d arrange for them to get cleaned up and into the clothing Nora was going to gather for them.
“Do you have…” a girl started to ask, but then snapped her mouth shut.
“Do we have what, sweetie?”
“Do you have cake?”
“I don’t know if we have any made, but I can get you one. What kind do you like best?” I was no baker, but we had box mixes and they were tasty enough.
“Don’t know. Never had any. They look good.”
She had to be almost ten. If she had never had cake, that meant she was in captivity far longer than I feared.
“I will make cupcakes, then you can try a few different kinds.”
“With frosting?” another child asked.
“With frosting.”
Chapter Twelve
“I need to check on Bryant. I’ll be back,” Jack whispered into my ear. While I knew he had to check on his pup, I also wasn’t ready to let him out of my sight yet.
“Can I come with you?” I asked.
“Of course. If he hasn’t taken a nap yet, I am going to lie down with him. It’s been a day.”
I nodded. It was too soon for me to offer to get in bed with him, but I could walk him to his room at the very least. Maybe shift and take my own nap outside his door. Guard him from anything and everything that would disturb him.
“I understand. He’s with Pop-Tart?” I asked as Jack tangled our fingers together and led me down the hallway. Pop-Tart, King, and I were all taking turns sleeping in the same room—the designated guard room.
“He is. But sometimes he fusses if I’m not there to take a nap with him. He’s spoiled rotten.”
“He’s treated like a prince, as he should be,” I replied. “As you should be as well.”
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me. “I’ve never been anyone’s prince. A survivor, yes. A prince, never.”