It all came out in a slurry of words, strung together as fast as I could get them out of my mouth. I was sure half of it was unintelligible, but my chest felt lighter already.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You have or had a mate?”

I nodded. “Her name was Bella. We were betrothed since birth. We led separate lives since there was no romantic connection between us. But we had mated and marked each other.”

Pop-Tart’s eyes widened. “She died? That’s where you went?”

“Yeah. I went back to the clan to tie up the loose ends. See her grave. Get some of the pictures of us together. She was my best friend.”

I retrieved the pictures of Bella and me from my bag and handed them to him. He took care in sliding one over the other, looking at them, turning them this way and that, smiling at some. “She was beautiful.”

“She was. And compassionate. Smart. Committed to our clan. She was an excellent alpha to them.”

“How did she die?” he asked gently, handing the pictures back to me.

“One of her betas challenged her. They both died.”

“I’m sorry, Aziz. Who is the alpha now?” he asked, putting his arm around my shoulders. I accepted the touch of concern and leaned into it.

“One of her betas. I handed the title to her. My life and my job are here.”

We paused for a moment. “I’ve never seen Jack react to someone like he does to you. You lit him up. I mean, usually he’s sweet and soft spoken but damn, that omega is feisty when he wants to be.”

“He’s phenomenal,” I murmured, mostly to myself. I knew there was something about Jack that called to me, beckoned me, but I didn’t realize who he was to me until Bella passed—once our bond was severed.

My hyena called out for him, but he was in the kitchen, rocking and cuddling his little boy who was cutting teeth. It wasn’t the time to bring up the fact that we were fated mates.

Besides, for all I knew, he was still livid with me, and for good reason.

If Jack was my omega, and my hyena knew for sure he was, then all the time, he would’ve felt the same pull toward me that I did toward him. I’d probably crushed him by not reciprocating his desire.

I’d unknowingly broken his heart.

“And he probably hates me.”

Jeremy, Pop-Tart, shook his head. “I don’t think that’s true, Aziz. I really don’t. You two need to talk.”

I huffed out a humorless laugh. “You think he would ever want to talk to me again?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “A fated never gives up on his mate. But there’s only one way to find out.”

Chapter Nine


I poured my third cup of coffee of the day. I’d have been tired just from being up with Bryant, but, adding everything that happened with Aziz, I was running on fumes. At least Bryant was feeling better today. Two of his molars had finally cut through. The second two would manage today, based on what I could see. Once they did, he was going to be as good as new.

“Do you need me to make some more coffee?” Cook asked.

“No, this should do.” I held up my mug. “I probably shouldn’t be drinking this cup.” What I really needed to do was suck it up, ask for help with Bryant, and take a nap. It wasn’t going to happen, not with the new cubs here. I’d feel too guilty for that.

“No offense, but I think I should make more,” Cook said. I thought he was teasing, but he immediately started to prepare another pot. I must’ve looked worse than I felt.

“Way to sugarcoat it.” I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled. “I probably do need it.”

“Not probably.”

I took a long drink from of my coffee, wondering where Aziz was. After he left, he didn’t stay in the ski lodge, or at least my beast didn’t sense him there.