I’ve always believed I couldn’t change, either. My sister twisted herself into knots to suppress her wild side, but the temptation of a sexy man unraveled all her hard work. My dad tried to be a doting parent but couldn’t fight his fickle nature. My mom dominates everyone around her, even when she promises she’ll back off. People can’t change.
My instinct is to avoid danger. That’s who I am. I hadn’t wanted to be in the ranch barracks with those drunk men. Austen swore they were safe, but I figured there was no reason to test her hunch.
Right now, I’m absolutely sure I don’t want to live a dangerous life.
But if I’m forced to endure this new chaotic existence, I can think of no one better to be at my side than the handsome biker watching me with his possessive gaze.
My gut insists last week’s mugging and tonight’s attempted abduction are linked. Something bigger is at play here. That’s why everyone around me feels like a threat.
I don’t know how the Knutsen security team learns of the attack, but they arrive soon after I do. Right now, the head guy—a British asshole named Atticus—barks orders at cops and paramedics. He intimidates everyone around us, but I don’t budge.
“She needs to go to the hospital,” Atticus insists, nearly shoving me aside.
“No,” I growl and stand up to face him. “Your employer has the money to bring the doctor and equipment to the estate. That’s where you should take Hunter. A hospital has hundreds of people moving around. It’ll be easier to grab her there.”
Atticus hates me. I’ve known that for a long time. He views himself as Hunter’s protective uncle. I suspect his paranoia over her safety is why he remained in Banta City rather than following his globetrotting employer.
Right now, Atticus thinks I need to go the fuck away. That’s why he doesn’t immediately admit my idea is smarter than his.
“If she needs surgery, what then?” he snarls.
“She was tasered. Maybe more than once,” I say and gesture at the taser on the ground nearby. “I doubt she hit her head hard enough to need surgery. It’s risky, but when the Kovak family was attacked, they got their daughters out of the hospital as quickly as possible. Hospitals allow too many people access to Hunter.”
Atticus knows I’m right. I see in his eyes how he hates himself for not thinking of the idea first. He no doubt promised Suzanne to keep Hunter safe.
I want to poke at this man’s battered ego and point out how I saved the day, not him. Except that’s exactly how my club president acts with people. Zoot has no interest in making friends. He cares more about power than anyone’s favorable opinion.
My goal is to win Hunter, not defeat Atticus. I think about how Noble would handle this situation. My VP finesses people to convince them to obey. That’s why people would rather talk to him than Zoot.
I’m not the most charming fucker, but I see the wisdom behind how Noble operates. That’s why I turn off my ego and consider how to make Atticus my ally rather than a roadblock.
“I suggest you have the ambulance take Hunter to Suzanne’s house and lock down the estate. You can keep her safe there.”
Atticus likes the idea of Hunter wrapped in his protective bubble. She currently holds onto the leg of my jeans, needing reassurance as the paramedics talk to her. Eventually, when her mind is clear, she’ll want to run the show. For now, Atticus and I need to relocate her somewhere safe.
“It’s what her mother would want,” Atticus says when he backs down and obeys me.
“If you and I put our heads together, maybe Suzanne won’t need to ditch her long vacation and return home.”
I don’t wait for Atticus to react to the idea of playing hero to his long-time employer. Instead, I kneel and tell Hunter how we’re moving her to Suzanne’s place to heal up.
“You can play with Puddin,” I explain, mentioning the family cat.
Hunter’s gaze reveals everything to me. She’s too scared and hurt to hide her feelings. I’m not chasing a lie. Hunter wants to be my woman. I need to remember this fact when she hides her feelings again tomorrow.
As Hunter is moved to the ambulance, I notice Noble, Elvis, and Bear have arrived. My VP signals for me to fill them in on what went down. I start to move in their direction until I notice the ambulance pulling out of the underground garage.
Panic seizes my chest. Hunter was nearly stolen away tonight. How the fuck am I supposed to stick around and talk to my club family when the woman I love might be in danger?
Rather than walk to Noble, I jump on my motorcycle and follow the ambulance to the estate. Hunter’s condo is located along the Jefferson River where the Kovak family’s convoy was ambushed. I feel on edge, glancing up at rooftops and suspicious of every car.
Only when we reach Banta City’s northside do I settle down. We pass many gated estates before reaching Suzanne’s. Her enormous Craftsman-style mansion is hidden behind security gates and dense trees and bushes.
Every light in the house appears to be on. The estate staff waits on the front porch. As soon as the ambulance comes to a halt, they move as a herd to ensure Hunter is brought in safely. A medical van is parked near the porch, and the family’s concierge doctor greets Atticus.
Standing back, I feel out of place, yet I refuse to leave. When Hunter and the staff disappear inside the house, I follow after them. Suzanne’s assistant shuffles in my direction.