“If I’m wrong, he’ll freak out,” I explain and then add, “He’ll freak out if I’m right, too.”
Hunter studies me before stroking my jaw and saying softly, “But he’s already freaking out. He won’t talk to anyone. He sat on the floor in the corner at dinner and fed the dogs. He’s acting bizarre. How is ignoring that better?”
Exhaling, I hadn’t even viewed Indigo’s behavior as weird. He gets wrapped up in his funky habits from time to time. When people talk to him about it, he shuts down and refuses to engage. Then, eventually, he’ll shift gears and act normal again.
“I think having Sync play family man is making Indigo flip out right now.”
Hunter considers what we saw today and points out the obvious, “Siobhan will never get back together with Sync.”
“True, but Sync once said in front of us that the only woman he’d ever love was Siobhan. She was it for him, but she wasn’t enough. I assume Indigo figures Siobhan feels the same way about Sync.”
“Well, he’s wrong,” Hunter insists and sits cross-legged in front of me. “Siobhan is lonely and wants to be loved by a man who thinks she’s enough.”
I’ve never really talked out my feelings about Indigo and Siobhan. Usually, the discussion is mere bullshitting between the guys, but Hunter actually wants to sort out what’s what.
“Do you think she’d want Indigo, though? He’s a fucking handful.”
Hunter shrugs. “I don’t know if they’d work. She’s never mentioned him in a hot guy way. But she doesn’t act that way with any of you.”
“She loved Sync. They were great together, but he wanted to party and fuck hot chicks and be single. Except he never had the balls to dump Siobhan, so he kept cheating until she dumped him. I don’t know why she’d give another club guy a shot.”
“It might not matter,” Hunter says and straddles my lap. “You could be wrong about Indigo.”
Studying her, I ask, “Do you think I’m a moron for not asking?”
“Yes, baby, I do,” Hunter says and laughs. “He’s your friend and foster brother. You’re always together,” she says and pats my chest. “I know it’s your way to avoid drama. But if you think you know what’s making him crazy, just speak up. If he freaks out, so what? He’s already acting weird. If he’s not into her, you’ll know and might get down to the problem.”
“Some people think he’s gay,” I say and add, “And in love with Golden.”
“Good Lord, let’s hope it’s not that,” Hunter says with too much gusto. “Golden is a terrible choice for anyone’s heart. Don’t they still ring the bell at the clubhouse whenever he pops a virgin’s cherry?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Golden might be incapable of loving right, but Siobhan could actually fall for Indigo under the right circumstances.”
“Seems unlikely.”
“You don’t know. I thought Natasha was crazy to fall for Bear when an arranged marriage was in her future. Plus, Bear’s gruff and hard to read. They didn’t seem like a good match. But I was wrong.”
Hunter cups my face and smiles softly. “A week ago, I thought you and I would be a mistake. Now, I’m wondering what our baby will look like. So, maybe I’m not someone with any intuition about relationships, but I still think you should ask Indigo if he likes Siobhan.”
Settling next to me on the bed, she shrugs. “If he acts like you’re a moron, ask about Golden. Just poke at him and make him fess up. Then, you’ll know the answer.”
When I don’t seem sure, Hunter explains, “I was pissed at Natasha when she didn’t contact me for two years, even though she was talking to Siobhan. That shit hurt my feelings so much. I even considered cutting Natasha and Siobhan off for leaving me out. But they’re my friends, so I pushed past it. Indigo is capable of getting upset and then forgiving you.”
“Is he, though?” I ask and scratch my jaw. “He holds grudges. And let’s say I’m right about Siobhan, that means he’s kept his dick dry for years over a woman who was within reach all this time. So, if I piss him off, I feel like he could hold a grudge for a decade or two.”
“No, because he knows what it’s like to be your friend. If you’re right about his feelings for Siobhan or if he’s got a thing for Golden, he hasn’t felt what it’s like to be with them. It’s easy to hold back when the alternative is the unknown.”
I consider how I was willing to wait for Hunter for years. I knew what other women felt like, and I understood how Hunter was special. Waiting made sense. But now, that I’ve gotten a taste, I couldn’t step back and be patient again. This woman is mine, and I can’t pretend otherwise.
Indigo is a weird guy, but he’s my friend. We’re brothers. He trusts me. If I piss him off, he won’t cut me loose.
“I’ll do it. I mean you were right about how I should have mentioned Sleepy. I need to be smarter with the people who matter.”
“Tack, if you really love me, just be you. Don’t hide,” Hunter says as her fingers dance across my jaw. “I don’t hide from you. You’ve seen me crash and burn during improv. I’ve gotten lost in the middle of a song and completely fucked my band. I was useless out on the road. Oh, you likely remember my dyed black hair train wreck. But you still love me. And I’ll love you, even if you share an embarrassing, lame, or scary thing about yourself.”
“You’re all-in, right?”