Page 53 of Tempt Me

“Are you overheated?” I ask at the sight of her sweaty pink flesh.

I start to climb out of bed to turn on the fan. Hunter stops me and presses me back against the headboard. “I don’t know how much time we have.”

As she kneels on the bed, I take her shaking hands fumbling with her shorts and hold them until her gaze meets mine.

“It’s okay.”

“I’m spiraling,” she whimpers. “I wanted you last night, but I was too tired. Now, I see your bruised stomach and remember when you were shot. I also feel like the police are going to take me away. I need to be close.”

I unbutton her shorts and lean her back so I can wiggle the rest of her clothes off. Once we’re both naked, I kiss her throat and rest her hand on my stomach.

“It hurts, but it’s just a bruise,” I whisper and kiss her cheek. “The feds aren’t here to blame you. No one will take you away from me. Do you understand?”

“Help me not think,” she says and presses me back against the headboard again.

Her strong thighs straddle my hips as she settles on my lap. When her gaze lingers on my bruised stomach, I distract her by rolling her nipples with my thumbs. Hunter’s hips buck, and her wet pussy slides across my hard dick.

I sink my hands into her hair before cupping her cheeks and kissing her deeply. Hunter moans in my mouth. As her hips roll, I feel her worries drop away. She’s present with me. The world can’t touch us right now.

Leaning her back, I take her right nipple in my mouth and savor the way it hardens for my tongue. Hunter grips my shoulders and grinds her wet pussy against my dick.

Her whimpers sound a little unhinged. Once again, she’s dancing on the edge.

Hunter won’t be denied, though. She guides the head of my cock to her opening. As her gaze meets mine, I see her ready to break down.

“I love you,” is all I can say.

A light sparks in her gaze, and she smiles. Once again, I feel her here with me rather than lost in her head.

Hunter fills her body with my erection. Her breath comes out as a relieved exhale. Kissing me, she finally breaks free of her panic.

Her pussy sucks possessively at my cock. Even before she moves her hips, I’m in fucking paradise. Hunter’s sweaty body smells so damn good. Her vanilla scent fills my room, making my space into ours.

For the first time, I believe I get to keep Hunter. At the Knutsen estate, everything was so surreal. Now, we’re in my bedroom, where I’ve spent countless hours thinking about her. She’s wrapped in my arms as her hips roll faster and faster.

Hunter doesn’t close her eyes. She only sees me. Her lips cover mine. She grips my shoulders, steadying herself. Moving faster, Hunter is so close to coming. Her pussy is hot and tight around my dick.

I can’t think straight. My hands won’t stay still. They disappear in her hair. They skim her spine before cupping her ass. They slide across her belly and squeeze her bouncing tits.

The orgasm hits Hunter hard. A pained groan leaves her puckered lips. I hug her against me and soak in the rawness of this moment between us.

Back in her bedroom, we were still wrapped in our protective armor. Today, we’re exposed. There’s nothing to hide behind. I’ve never felt as close to anyone in my life.

Hearing Hunter whimper my name breaks my control, and I come hard. The intensity of the pleasure is almost painful, but I never want it to stop.

Together, in my room, with our sweaty bodies pressed together, we’re perfect. Outside this room, though, trouble lurks, and our differences become starker.

Refusing to get distracted by anything, I hold Hunter and kiss her in the unguarded way I’ve wanted to do for years. To my relief, she meets my every kiss with her own.


My body feels calmer after I share it with Tack. I’m also less frantic mentally. When I focus on Tack, everything falls into place. That’s why I can’t stop smiling while he holds me on his lap.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whisper against his jaw. “I still remember how gaga I went when I first saw you.”

“Yeah, I remember that, too. You were all over me. It was a bit much.”

“Sure,” I murmur before throwing my head back and laughing at how he teases me. “I also recall how you were strutting around that night, trying to impress me.”