Page 22 of Tempt Me

Zoot stops glaring at me and explains, “Our guys hit up the hotel rooms belonging to last night’s assholes before the pigs could. There was nothing to tie the abductors to a bigger boss. They drove to town in a rental car. They visited once before, hit up the casinos, and partied. We’ve got them on cameras all over town. Nothing suspicious then or now about their movements.”

Noble adds, “We have out-of-state people tracking down info. Whoever hired them is likely local, so we need to figure out how the Banta City asshole found these two guys.”

“So, we have a local fucker who hires the mugger first,” Zoot says while Aunt Fred settles in a chair near me. “They figure grabbing Hunter will be easy. She runs around town without security. But she ends up kicking the first guy’s ass. So, the head asshole hires these two pros from out of town to snatch her up. But he isn’t aware of her connection to the club or how Tack has Hunter followed. Another failed plan. Does he give up?”

“Depends on what he wants from her,” Aunt Fred answers softly. “Kidnap and ransom targets aren’t usually heavily protected. If they want easy money, they’ll give up now rather than risk more losses.”

Noble says, “When Suzanne’s other daughter was attacked in Banta City, the motive wasn’t even related to anything here. Maybe this shit is about fucking with Suzanne. Or Hunter’s west coast dad pissed off someone. Or it’s even about Austen again. We might be making assumptions. Hell, look at who attacked the Kovak convoy. The town thinks it was a rival when we know the motive was something personal. So, maybe we step back and consider all possible suspects.”

Feeling invisible as they make plans about my woman, I state, “When Hunter is in Banta City, I’m taking charge of her security.”

Aunt Fred stands up and pats my cheek. “If you and Hunter work out, you can’t be the help, Tack. Let a professional worry about her security, while you enjoy Hunter’s company.”

Despite my heart disagreeing, Aunt Fred’s words make sense. I don’t want Hunter to view me as her employee. I’m looking to be the man she comes home to every night, not the security chief she checks in with at the end of the day.

“Okay, but I’m still escorting her to the airport. I want to take a few guys to keep an eye out.”

Aunt Fred glances back at Noble who offers a shrug. Zoot shakes his head until she unleashes the massive power of her winning smile. Finally, he gives a dramatic eye roll and agrees.

“Fine, you can take your usual crew,” Zoot mutters. “Not Pork Chop, though. After he gets done with his paternity leave bullshit, I’m moving him over to a new crew filled with recently patched guys. The plan was for Bear to take them under his wing, but he’s gotten all stupid because of his wife and kids. I can’t trust him to keep his head on straight, so Pork Chop will have to do. You can take Indigo and Golden.”

“What about Claw?”

“His balls were injured in a fight with the missus,” Noble replies, fighting a smirk. “Can’t ride for a while. Indigo and Golden should be enough.”

“What if I can get Bear to come along?”

“It’s a ride to the fucking airport,” Zoot snarls before going still. “I smell bacon.”

On the security feed, we see two patrol cars and a sedan pull into the lot.

“Your sense of smell will never cease to amaze me,” Noble says to Zoot while standing up and heading for the office door. “Tack, let’s do this thing with the cops quickly and send you on your way.”

In the front office, Carys stands near her desk and pretends to hula-dance while Elvis shakes his ass around the room to “Hound Dog.” They don’t stop when we appear from the back or when the pigs enter from the front.

“How’s that labor going?” Noble asks his niece. “Will I need to get towels and hot water?”

“Nobody likes a smartass,” she replies. “Not even one as handsome as you.”

Grinning as she pats his cheek, Noble glances at his still-dancing brother. Elvis doesn’t give a shit about the cops. He’s never had a head for planning. Elvis is the fun O’Malley brother. That’s how it was when they were kids, and he isn’t changing in his sixties.

I assume having a wife like Aunt Fred and two fun daughters has helped keep him chill over the years. Loneliness can fuck with a man. It’s turned me into a colder person. I was more easygoing before I fell for and lost Hunter. Now, I feel deprived every damn day.

After last night, I’ve lost my patience. I want to bulldoze through these cops and get back to Hunter. She’ll be gone soon, and I have no fucking idea when she’s coming back. Tonight might be my final chance to win her heart.


In an effort to keep my mind off last night’s violence, I ask Natasha and Siobhan to help me pack. Ever since the attack, I’ve struggled with my panic. I’ve seen what can happen if fear takes over a person’s life. That’s probably why I’ve avoided speaking to Austen on the phone today. If I hear her fear, I’ll likely break down.

I still end up crying as I zip my suitcase. Dropping my ass on the hardwood floor, I sob in my hands. My friends join me on the floor and hug me between their bodies.

Neither one wastes time pretending everything will be okay. They understand how empty words won’t distract me from the reality of my situation.

“I’m afraid I’ll join my mom and things here won’t get fixed. What do I do then?” I ask them as we huddle in a three-person embrace.

“I don’t know,” Natasha replies and wipes her wet eyes before kissing my cheek. “But the solution might be more obvious after you’ve created distance from the problem.”

“What if the person simply waits for me to return?”