“In Hong Kong, I can move around the city rather than hide like I would here,” I explain when I feel their judgment.
“How can you know that city is any safer than this one?” Siobhan asks. “You’re connected to the most powerful factions in Banta City. Your mom has the chief of police and mayor on her speed dial. If you say jump here, a lot of people will ask ‘how high?’ Can you claim the same about Hong Kong?”
“No, but theoretically, the person or people who hired the men from last night won’t know where I am. They also might lack the means to attack me in a foreign city.”
“True,” Natasha says, making Siobhan frown. “But I worry with you gone, the authorities might not be able to smoke out who did this to you. And you’ll be stuck hiding for a long time. Or you’ll end up back in Banta City without any resolution.”
Sighing, I admit, “I don’t know the right answer.”
“Maybe you should wait a week to see if the answer is clearer,” Natasha suggests.
“If I stay, Suzanne will end her vacation and come home. Then, I’ll have her micromanaging everything. I’m not sure that’s better.”
“But she’ll micromanage everything in Hong Kong.” When I frown at Siobhan’s stubbornness, she shrugs. “Natasha has only been home for a few months. Now, I’m losing you. I don’t care if I’m being selfish. I want my friends in town.”
“I’ll go for a week. By then, Tack might have figured out who did this.”
“A week?” Natasha replies. “It’s nearly a day to fly there and another one to fly back. Makes sense to stay longer.”
Siobhan blurts out, “Or don’t go at all.”
Natasha scowls at Siobhan who scowls back. I pat their knees and play referee.
“Let’s go back to talking about me kissing Tack.”
Immediately losing her frown, Siobhan asks, “Okay, what finally sent you over the edge into a stampede of horniness?”
“I wasn’t horny,” I mutter when she pokes at me and laughs. “Something clicked inside me when I saw Tack barefoot and heard his logic about it.”
“Barefoot? Is your foot fetish a thing we already knew about?” Siobhan asks. “Should I add this to my file on you?”
Siobhan claims to have files on her favorite people because she can’t remember everyone’s tastes or important dates.
“I don’t have a foot fetish,” I explain while she types something on her phone.
Siobhan drops her phone in her bag and reaches for my face. “Don’t think,” Siobhan says and stares into my eyes. “Go wild and chase your dreams. You nearly died yesterday. You should choose to live your life to its fullest.”
“Tack and I are planning to hang out tonight at the house. I also agreed to a date out when I get back. I’m already taking your advice.”
“Well, all right, then. Tack is great, and he thinks you’re fucking awesome. He hasn’t gotten his dick wet in years. That kind of commitment deserves a reward, so get naked and ride that man.”
Grinning at her excitement, I ask, “Then what?”
“I don’t know. Maybe cuddle until he squirms away and claims he has an early meeting.”
Natasha smirks at Siobhan’s comment before adding in a lovestruck tone, “After we’re sexually satisfied, Bear and I rest in bed and admire each other.”
Siobhan insists, “Nerd.”
“We also talk about life and our philosophy on pizza crusts.”
Her blissful expression stirs a longing inside me. Tack is the guy I want, yet I still worry we’re bound to fail. I’m torn between my heart and my head.
“If things go badly with Tack, whether it be now or in the future, I don’t want you to make me feel guilty.”
“We won’t,” Siobhan promises. “We’ll swear every failure is his fault.”
Falling silent, I consider last night. My hand goes to my back near my shoulder, where the first taser prongs hit me. I think of how my body wouldn’t respond to my commands.