Page 89 of Tempt Me

Sleepy and Grumpy are less impressed by the fur babies. Watching the tiny, rowdy creatures, the older dogs act like bored teenagers desperate to escape.

By the time I go into labor, a nanny and estate manager are set up in their quarters. Tack wasn’t so sure about live-in staff, yet the mansion’s size allows us plenty of privacy. If he feels cramped by the staff, he’ll take Belushi to the mantuary.

Born just after dawn on a cloud-free day, Lotus Knutsen O’Malley is a tiny thing at five pounds. She has a full head of ruby red hair and big blue eyes. When my baby girl stares at me, I feel like she understands the entire world and is waiting for the moment when she can share her thoughts.

Absolutely horrified by her size, Tack assumes Lotus is sick and fears bringing her home from the hospital.

“Olívie was born twice as big,” Tack states, looking at Bear after we’re home. “Why was your kid so big the jaws of life were needed to free her? Hunter isn’t tiny. I’m nearly as big as you.”

“You did something wrong,” Bear replies and sighs dramatically. “Your jizz is defective.”

“Fuck off,” Tack growls before realizing Bear is teasing him. “I’m serious.”

While the men poke at each other, Natasha and I cuddle up and coo over our babies. Olívie does look far older than my munchkin.

“I didn’t eat well when I was pregnant,” I mumble, feeling insecure about Lotus’s size now.

“You looked healthy to me.”

“My doctor was worried for a few months in the middle.”

“Was she worried at the end?”


“And the doctors at the hospital thought Lotus was healthy, right? I think everyone needs to stop worrying about sizes. I was a small baby, and I’m normal sized now.”

“You’re the perfect size,” Bear says, wearing the look men own when imagining their woman naked.

Tack frowns at his brother, feels competitive, and smiles at me.

“You look gorgeous,” he says and wears his “let’s fuck” expression.

“Six weeks before we can go wild, babe,” I remind him. “But I can help you out later.”

“No, I’m good,” Tack says. “Few men are as patient as me.”

Tack flashes an arrogant grin at Bear who grumbles something under his breath. The men taunt each other a bit more before taking Hector, Jacinda, and Belushi to the yard to play.

I look at Natasha and admire how much she’s overcome during the last few years. She smiles at me and slides my unruly hair from my face.

“I’m happy,” she whispers.

“Me, too.”

“I don’t want anything to change.”

“Me, either.”

That’s the plan, anyway. The problem is Tack and I really like to fuck. As soon as I get the okay for sex from my doctor, I’m riding my husband’s dick like I’ve got an incurable addiction.

We occasionally use condoms. However, we’re always fucking, and the pool proves too tempting. I suspect a night in the deep end is when we conceive our son.

Without a looming court case or the media attention, I enjoy my second pregnancy more. The house is our home. Our fur babies are less hyper. Tack is accustomed to leaving my side so he can ride with his club. I have hobbies along with a new charity cofounded with Natasha to help foster kids.

Lotus is an easy baby who rarely complains yet never suffers in silence. When she wants attention, my tiny daughter can unleash a roar worthy of a lioness. Her voice will echo through the mansion, seeking out someone to fix her problem. Once she gets what she needs, she returns to her quiet, watchful self.

In contrast, Attica is a wild man. We name our son in honor of Atticus and with an eye to his cousin, Folsom.