“Yeah, but it wasn’t like that with Bear and Natasha. He never seemed to notice her until they were suddenly together that night. Then, he couldn’t get her off his mind. There’s no blueprint. Everyone is different.”
Indigo shrugs. “Siobhan still loves Sync. You’re wrong if you can’t see it.”
“That’s not what Hunter says.”
Narrowing his gaze, Indigo sneers, “You gossip about people with your girlfriend.”
“Yeah, we’ve talked about her best friend.”
Indigo shakes his head. “Whatever.”
“Let’s just be square here. You like Siobhan.”
“Everyone likes Siobhan.”
“Not really. Sick Ricky’s wife said Siobhan was stuck up.”
“Because that bitch is evil.”
Indigo wants to stand up and storm off. Fortunately for me, Grumpy rests his snout on his owner’s leg. Not wanting to wake the dog, Indigo keeps his ass put.
“I’m not the guy she wants,” Indigo admits, deflating before my eyes.
“How do you know?”
“Who would ever pick me?”
“Chicks at the clubhouse would line up around the block for a turn to ride your dick. You don’t even give them a second glance. I assume that’s because they’re not Siobhan.”
Indigo stares at me. Minutes pass. I wait him out. More minutes pass. I check my phone and glance up to find him still staring at me. I don’t know how he does that unbroken glare, but it’s intimidating as fuck.
“Not everyone gets good things,” Indigo finally says when I don’t leave. “Or they don’t get it like they want. Noble had that pretty girlfriend with the pink hair. I saw her picture on his bedroom mirror. She was cute and young. He was young, too. He lost her a long time ago, and that’s all he’s ever going to get. Why would someone like me get more?”
“That’s not how the world works. There isn’t a formula to things. Elvis won Aunt Fred because he made the attempt. She liked him, too. They’ve worked at shit. Noble got screwed, but for a short time, he had his magic woman. Then, there’s Zoot. If he tried to be nice to a woman, he might find someone he could love. But he doesn’t even try. If you don’t tell Siobhan how you feel, you’re just like Zoot. Except he doesn’t ever seem like he’s missing out on something in life, while you seem lonely like Siobhan.”
Indigo stares at me again. More time passes. Grumpy lifts his head and frees Indigo, but my friend stays put.
“I don’t want to be like Zoot,” Indigo finally says. “But Siobhan’s completely blind to me as a man.”
“That makes sense, though. She’s surrounded by foster brothers, and you’re not easy to read. Maybe she’s blind because she figures you couldn’t possibly see her as a woman.”
“Maybe,” I reply.
“But possible.”
Indigo frowns upward and sighs. “Okay, maybe.”
“Do you imagine being her man or just hooking up?”
Indigo’s hateful glare returns. “Why is everyone obsessed with fucking?”
“Because it feels good.”