Page 24 of Tempt Me

As he slides my hair behind my ear, Tack asks, “I heard Natasha say something about house shopping when you get back.”

“I’ve been thinking about moving since Natasha was attacked,” I explain while admiring the beautiful man at my side. “I used to love my view of Jefferson River, but I can’t look out my windows without imagining Natasha and Petra struggling to survive in the water. Their driver died in that river. After last night, I’ll never feel comfortable in the garage again.”

Edgy now, Tack mutters, “Where would you go?”

“Siobhan and Natasha have been pushing me to buy something in their neighborhood. It would be nice to be so close, but I don’t know how much I’d enjoy living in such a family-heavy neighborhood.”

Losing his tense vibe, Tack nearly bounces in his seat. “Sync lives in the same neighborhood, and he throws parties every month. It’s not as lame there as you might think.”

Tack wears a half-grin as he imagines me living in a house. I’ve never sensed he liked my condo’s size or trendy downtown location.

“A house with a yard would allow me to get a dog,” I explain, imagining us with pets. “I’m also thinking about adopting a cat, so more space than my condo would be nice.”

“Would you want a house like your mom’s?” he asks, glancing around as if the craftsman-style mansion is a behemoth ready to attack.

“I like unique houses. Quirky ones, I guess. But whenever I’ve looked online, those weird houses were always small. If I’m going to embrace suburbia, I would prefer a yard and space for my drum set. I don’t want half of my stuff to remain at my mom’s house like it currently is. So, I think maybe I won’t find the style I want. Of course, I can buy a big place with a nice lot and turn it into a weirdo house I like.”

When Tack’s gaze warms as if he’s imagining our future, I ask, “What kind of houses do you like?”

“I don’t know.”

“I bet you do.”

Considering my question, Tack shrugs, “My parents’ house was pretty standard, but my uncle had a nice house. Fancy but not huge in the way this house is. Just upscale, I guess. It’d probably be boring to a weirdo like you.”

Grinning, I pull out my phone and search house styles. “Show me which style fits your uncle’s house.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“What if after our best date ever, I want you at my house all the time? I need a place where you can feel comfortable walking around barefoot.”

Tack grins at my comment and swipes through the images. He finally settles on a traditional-style home. “Boring, huh?”

“It’s a house for a banker and his TikToker trad wife.”

Chuckling, Tack shrugs. “It’s the only fancy place I know besides your mom’s. Well, I guess, Bear’s place is pretty fancy.”

“Let’s see what houses are on the market right now in their neighborhood.”

Tack studies me instead of the phone. Up close like we are now, I can see how blond his lashes are and the way his baby-blue eyes darken when he’s conflicted.

Outside, the sun sets, and the growing darkness masks danger. I scoot closer to Tack and rest my phone on the table.

“I’m not looking forward to flying for a day,” I mumble, overwhelmed by how unsafe I feel. “Normally, I’d have more time to prepare for such a trip.”

“You could put it off for a few days.”

I rest his hand between mine on my lap and explain, “You know how, back when I was a teenager, my nose was broken when Austen and I were attacked by men at her father’s ranch. I chose to fight those men. I probably wouldn’t have gotten my nose broken if I had given in, but I needed to own my body. When I look back to that night, I remember my rage more than the fear.”

Staring at his hand, I continue, “Last night, I also fought back. But then, he hit me with the taser, and I felt completely helpless like a baby. Today, I want to be strong and rational, but I’m frozen with indecision. A part of me knows I’ll be safer with my mom in charge. But I’d be happier here with you. I don’t know what to do.”

Tack wears a pained expression. He knows I’m about to ask him to decide. When I say the words, he looks as if I’ve dumped the world’s problems on his shoulders.

Tack glances upward and shakes his head. He struggles with choosing between what’s rational and what his heart craves.

Cupping my jaw, Tack covers my lips with his. This isn’t a testing kiss. There’s no flirty tease to his lips. He uses his powerful body to pin me under him on the couch. Tack kisses me deeply as if our lives depend on us breathing as one.

I meet his passion with my own. Today’s fear and confusion are beaten back by the heat whipped up inside me by this man. I’ve never been so desperate to get closer to anyone.