“True,” Lisa said, feeling encouraged.

“You can do it. I know you can,” Maggie added. “Heck, if I can, it can’t be that hard, right? You just gotta stick to your guns and keep at it.”

She said it with hoarse laughter that cheered Lisa up even more.

Lisa's fingers drummed a staccato rhythm on the wooden table, her gaze drifting from the clutter of bills to the woman beside her. Maggie's eyes, a reflection of the fiery spirit within, held steadfastly to Lisa's with an almost palpable intensity.

"Lisa, look at me," Maggie's voice was firm yet threaded with warmth. "You've weathered worse storms than this, haven't you? You're not just surviving; you're building something beautiful here for you and those kids."

Lisa's breath hitched as she absorbed the weight of Maggie's words. "But sometimes, I feel like I'm building on sand, Mags. What if it all just… washes away?"

"Then you rebuild," Maggie replied, her tone unwavering. On rock this time, with Oliver. You have more strength in your little finger than most have in their whole body. Look at how far you’ve come. But even the strongest among us need to reach out sometimes."

A tremor ran through Lisa's frame, the idea of reaching out mingling with a rising tide of fear. She hadn’t told Oliver just how bad things really were—she didn’t want to worry him.

"I want to," she confessed, her voice thinning to a whisper. "But what if Oliver can't handle it? What if my worries push him away? I can't… I don't want to be a burden to him."

"Oliver loves you, Lisa. He chose this—chose you—with all that comes with it." Maggie's hand squeezed Lisa's, a lifeline in the uncertainty. "You won't know until you speak up. Trust isn't just about believing he'll stay; it's also about believing he wants to share the load."

Lisa's heart fluttered against her ribcage, the suspense of the unknown stretching out before her. In a way, it was thrilling to stand at the precipice of revelation, but the thrill was laced with an undercurrent of fear. Could she take that leap? Did she dare?

"Being vulnerable isn't the same as being weak, you know," Maggie continued. "It's throwing open the doors and letting someone see the real you, the one who struggles, fears, and needs. That's where the real connection happens, Lisa. That's where love grows."

The conversation ebbed and flowed, a dance of words and silences that spoke volumes. Through it all, Maggie remained steadfast, her presence a testament to the enduring power of connection and the unwavering belief in Lisa's ability to brave any storm.

As they spoke, the outline of a plan began to form; how about if they did woodworking classes? Maggie asked. Oliver could teach. Lots of people would come for that. Lisa’s smile brightened. That was a great idea. People were always mesmerized by the things he created. Oliver was very talented. They always said they wished they could do that and wanted to learn how to do something like that.

“I’ll start putting a class schedule together right away. And then I’ll start advertising,” Lisa said. “In the local paper, our webpage, and Facebook and Instagram. Maybe I can put some flyers up at your bar?”

“I don’t see why not,” Maggie said. “We’re here to help each other.”

With another deep, steadying breath, Lisa felt a swell of determination crest within her. Her gaze met Maggie's, and with a tremulous smile, she reached out, enveloping Maggie's hand with her own.

"Thank you, Maggie," Lisa murmured, her voice thick with gratitude. “Thank you for reminding me of who I am and for being here. Your friendship… it means more than I can say."

Maggie's smile was warm, a mirror of the affection and solidarity that had become the bedrock of their bond. "Always, Lisa. I'm always here for you."

As Lisa withdrew her hand, she straightened her shoulders, a newfound resolve sparking in her hazel eyes. It was thrilling to imagine a future where she didn't have to shoulder her burdens alone and could share every part of her journey with Oliver. And with Maggie's guidance, she felt ready to step into that possibility, to embrace the love and support waiting for her just beyond the veil of her own vulnerability.

As Lisa sat on the weathered wooden bench, the soft susurration of waves against the shore provided a tranquil soundtrack. The salty air mingled with the scent of seaweed and brine, grounding her in the moment. Her eyes lingered on the horizon, watching the tumultuous dance of the ocean, its surface reflecting the chaos in her own heart.

She pulled the stroller closer, a protective gesture, and brushed a strand of hair from Julia's peaceful face. The baby's serene expression offered silent encouragement, reminding Lisa of the life she and Oliver had created together, a symbol of their intertwined destinies.

Every crash of the waves seemed to echo the racing thoughts in Lisa's head. Would Oliver understand her fears, or would he see them as an insurmountable barrier? The suspense of waiting gnawed at her resolve, yet the sight of the expanse before her bolstered her courage. This was Oliver's refuge, the place he missed when he left the fisherman's life behind. Here, amid the timeless rhythm of the tides, they could find common ground.

A seagull's cry punctuated the air, lifting above the sound of the waves—a reminder that nature held both chaos and harmony. As the breeze teased tendrils of wavy brown hair around her face, Lisa drew in a breath laced with briny moisture and closed her eyes. She envisioned the conversation to come, one that would lay bare her soul. It was a risk, but one she knew she must take if she wanted to build a future where honesty and love coexisted.

Her phone, silent until now, vibrated softly against her thigh. Heart leaping, she reached for it, her pulse quickening with a mix of dread and anticipation. It was time. Oliver's reply was brief but filled with promise; he and Mark had just returned from fishing, and she had asked him to meet her at their favorite spot by the ocean.

He wrote: "On my way."

She tucked the phone away, steeling herself for the moment of truth. Oliver would be here soon, and with him, the chance to strengthen the fragile bonds of their shared dreams. Today, the ocean wasn't just a soothing presence; it was a witness to the thresholds they were about to cross together.

The crunch of gravel underfoot announced his arrival before she saw him. Lisa's heart skipped as she turned, her gaze locking onto Oliver's form striding toward her. The late afternoon sun caught in the untamed waves of his dark hair, casting a halo of light that seemed to follow him. His eyes, a clear blue reminiscent of the sea before them, found hers, and in an instant, the world narrowed down to the space between them.

"Hey," he called out, his voice carrying over the sound of the surf, tinged with that familiar warmth that always seemed to wrap around her like a comforting shawl.

"Oliver," she breathed, rising from the bench as he closed the distance with a few long strides. His smile, broad and genuine, was a light that drew her in, chasing away the shadows that had gathered in the corners of her mind.