“Did you have a vision?”
“No.” She shook her head, coming back to the moment as he grabbed a dish towel and dried her off. “It wasn’t a vision.”
“What was it then? You were completely zoned out. I said your name at least three times before I realized you weren’t hearing me.” He looked worried and she leaned against him.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. Just tell me what’s wrong so I can try to fix it.”
She smiled against his shoulder, “I wish I could but I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Try.” He gripped her arms and set her back from him so he could look into her face again.
She sighed, knowing she may as well explain herself because he wouldn’t let it go, not after finding her zoned out in the kitchen with water pouring everywhere while she blankly stared out the kitchen window.
“It wasn’t a vision but… it was something else. A bad feeling? Gut instinct maybe? I just feel like something is happening, or about to happen. Something important.”
“But you didn’t get a vision?”
She shook her head again, “No. I didn’t see anything. It was just a feeling that something bad is going to happen, or already is.”
“To you? To us?” He pressed and Nova rubbed her eyes.
“I don’t know. I wish I did.”
“Well I don’t like that at all.” Griffin was still frowning and he carefully ran his hands over her face and neck and shoulders, “You’re tense. Maybe we should call Leo and tell him we’ll come over later, once you’ve had some time to decompress.”
“He needs me there.” She shook her head.
“And I need you safe and healthy.” Griffin tipped her chin up. “You’ve been pushing yourself so hard trying to help him get the alliance up and running so he can host this big conference with everyone in one place. I worry you’re doing too much.”
“You worry too much.” She turned her head and kissed his palm. “I’m fine.”
“You didn’t look fine when I came in to tell you I started the shower for you.”
“You’re too good to me.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, rubbing her nose against his chest and taking his now familiar scent inside of herself. “Thank you. I’ll just go hop in the shower and then we can go to Leo’s place.”
He sighed and kissed the top of her head, “Maybe it’s just the full moon being tomorrow tonight? Maybe it’s messing with your gift.”
“Has that ever happened before? Your gift acting differently around the full moon?”
“No.” She pulled back to smile up at him, “But my gift has been acting differently ever since you got to town so who knows, maybe the full moon is just tugging on my magic in a way I don’t recognize and it’s making me imagine the worst.”
Griffin narrowed his eyes, “Do you really believe that?”
“I don’t know. Maybe it was just a weird feeling and I’m blowing it out of proportion.”
“That would be very unlike you.”
“It would. Wouldn’t it.” She smirked, raising up on tiptoe to brush her lips against his, “But I can think of something else that’s very proportional that could use a good blow… job.”
Griffin tilted his head back and cracked up laughing, “That might be the worst come on ever.”
She laughed with him, “It was funny though.”
“You’re ridiculous.”