“You get your cock shot off, Falcon?”
“Daisy, you gonna put a property patch on this fucker?”
She was eating it up. But she still stayed hugged close as we walked toward the clubhouse. “You want to sit out here or go inside?”
“You need a tampon, Falcon?” Jackal said as he walked over with a beer. I put my hand out, but he smirked at me and passed it to Daisy.
“Thank you,” she said as she looked over and took a sip.
I leaned to her ear. “You’re gonna get it later.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Daisy! Falcon!” I looked over and Mama Hen was running toward us, Jeannie not far behind.
They flew to her and looked her over. “Honey, are you alright? Look at your face!” Mama Hen said as she gave her an inspection. Jeannie was right next to her, gripping Daisy’s shoulder with a look of shock on her face.
“Hey, I was shot,” I whined as I stood there watching them fall all over her.
Mama Hen grabbed my hand. “How many times is that now, hon? I thought it was a flesh wound?”
I just laughed. It was the fourth time, and it was mostly a flesh wound. The doc dug out the bullet and stitched me up. A few inches over and it would have pierced my heart, but I got lucky. For us, shit like that was pretty normal. And Daisy was eating up the attention. Knowing they cared about her was a good feeling. She was part of the club, part of the family.
A loud whistle halted everyone. The women stopped their chatter and everyone craned their necks to see what it was. I grinned when I saw Eagle and Hawk walking over.
Hawk put his arm out for a hearty shake and I smacked my hand into his and he pulled me in, patting me on the back. “Good to see ya standing, brother.” He let me go and looked over Daisy. “You alright?”
She nodded. “Yeah. Thanks to all of you. And the guys in Bristol. I didn’t get to see Pitty again, but I asked Linx to send a message to them.”
“They’re good guys. And Knox said you’re definitely old lady material.”
My eyes whipped to him, then to Daisy as I pulled her back to my side.
She tucked her lip between her teeth and Hawk said, “I don’t think he meant for him. Apparently, her attitude doesn’t dampen even as a guest.”
I kissed her temple. “I’d expect nothing less from my woman.”
Hawk crossed his arms but didn’t look mad. “Hate to break this up, but I need you all in church.”
Daisy turned so she was standing in front of me. “Go, I’m gonna catch up with the girls and find Lacy.” She stood on her toes and gave me a peck.
“Don’t go far.”
“We got her. Just go, shoo,” Mama Hen said as they dragged her toward the kegs and food.
We headed inside and found several of the guys already there. I was greeted heartily as I entered, some giving me handshakes and some pats. I gave Rooster a good pat to the back as he pulled me in. I winced a little because my stitches pulled some with all the bro hugs and handshakes.
“Looking good, brother,” Butch said as he pulled me in.
“It’s been a long few days, man.”
We all took our seats and Hawk knocked on the table. “May as well get this out of the way since we’re all here now. We have a rat. We haven’t identified them yet, but when we do, there’s no second chances. Even if they weren’t the one pulling the trigger, they assisted in killing Raven—our President, my father, and your brother. They may as well have done it themselves.”
We all banged on the table and I glanced around the room. I already had Keys checking something for me, and I think Hawk did, too. “We’re close. We already suspected it. Romano just confirmed it.”
Hawk leaned back in his chair. “He also confirmed we’re dealing with a big organization. We still don’t know much, but we do know they’re trafficking. If they were using Romano and his existing business, they may be identifying others like it. So that’s a start.”
“How do we know Romano wasn’t lying?” Butch asked.