Page 84 of Falcon

Without an answer from me, he turned on his heel and took off. Lacy scoffed. “See? I don’t know if I can handle this forever,” she said as she pulled us back against the cushions.

“Why? What do you mean?” I asked, trying to calm my breathing.

“They’re good people, but everything is so secretive. You can’t have a normal conversation with these guys. I can never tell if they’re mad or just intense. And look around. That guy was with that girl over there when I got here last night,” she said as she pointed to a blonde by some tables. “But now he’s got that girl hanging all over him. Besides Falcon, they all seem to enjoy variety. Which is okay sometimes…”

“Do you like Eagle more than just hanging out?”

She shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe my hopes were too high. Falcon is just so into you. Is it so much to want that for me?” Her eyes went wide, and she waved her hands. “But not Falcon for me. Just, how he is with you. I don’t want Falcon!”

I rubbed my thumbs over my cheeks again, hoping to wipe away the remnants of another cry session with a chuckle at her over-explanation. “I don’t think you want Falcon. I know what you mean. It’s okay to want feelings reciprocated. But as far as Knox, he wasn’t being mean. I’ve learned it’s best to not know everything. But I can’t just sit here in the dark. I need to be with him if he’s hurt.” I wanted to be with him.

“Maybe it’s better if you aren’t, if you really believe what you said about not knowing,” Lacy said as she squeezed my hand again. “And maybe you’re right. I guess I’m just in my feels because I don’t know where I stand. Knox has been pretty cool.”

What she said about not being with him right now made total sense. He was my protector. If he was hurt, maybe he couldn’t do that. And I probably shouldn’t know the extent of how hurt or where he really is. But he wasn’t just my protector. He’s my man. If I couldn’t comfort him when all of this was for me, I didn’t deserve him. He spent so much time taking care of me and showing me he loved me, and my crazy ass didn’t fully see it because I was so stuck on self-preservation. He could’ve died coming to rescue me, and he got shot seeking my revenge.

I needed to be with him. Knox scared the hell out of me and, for a moment, my whole world was turned upside down. Falcon was my everything now, and I knew that I was his. He’d been showing me all along. I wanted to believe it but was so fucked up from every single life experience I had, I just couldn’t until now. But if this life was what it took to be with him, then I’d have my little cry and boss up. Because I’m always going to cry. But once I was done, I’d pull up my big girl panties and do what I needed to do, not just for me, but for us.

I stood up and grabbed Lacy’s hand. “C’mon.”

As I dragged my blonde friend behind me with one hand, I pulled my phone from my pocket with the other and sent a text to my biker.

Me: I heard what happened. I want to see you.

Knowing I probably wouldn’t get an immediate response, I shoved the phone back into my pocket and flew out the front door, headed outside. Knox was standing by a burn barrel alone, so I stomped that way. He turned and his gaze hardened when he saw me. He was on the phone. I couldn’t hear him, but he said something then seemed to end the call. “Can I help you?”

“I need to go wherever he is. Please,” I pleaded. “You can tell me how to get there or have someone take me, but I need to go.” He crossed his arms over his chest, but I kept going. I tried to keep my voice low and calm but continued my request. “I know they went to Jersey. Please help me. I know you guys don’t tell women stuff for a reason.” He put his hand up to stop me, but I raised mine, too, and persisted, “I know why. I’m not asking to be in the line of fire. I’m asking to go to his bedside. Please. Haven’t you ever loved someone?”

He raised one brow then asked, “Are you done?”

He was the President here and I had to try to be respectful, but I wanted to pop him in the nose. Instead, I took a deep breath and smiled. “Yes, sir.”

Knox shifted his weight from one leg to the other then held up his phone. “I was talking to Hawk when you came up. He’s getting me the details and Linx will drive you tomorrow in Falcon’s truck. He needs some sleep because he’ll drive Pitty’s bike back. Is that all to your liking?”

If he was anyone else, I would address the snarky tone. As it was, he was in charge and he told me pretty much what I wanted to hear, so I just said, “Yes.” I turned to hide my red face, but Lacy jerked my hand and batted her eyes at me. It seemed we both were finally coming out of our shells. I looked back at Knox who seemed to be waiting on more from me. “I’m sorry I interrupted your call. Thank you for trying to help and offering a member to drive me.”

“He’s an officer, but I’ll let that one slide,” he said with a smirk.

Fighting my eye roll, I replied, “Even more generous. You all are very much appreciated. I guess we need to get some sleep.” These men would fight the sass right out of me. A couple months ago I would have cared, but now I just wanted to find my man.

“Be downstairs at six. Linx wants to head out before rush hour,” he called after us.

I was missing our clubhouse and our normal crowd. But these guys did help rescue me and let me and Lacy stay while Falcon took care of business. They also loaned another guy for that. They weren’t so bad.

Checking my phone before we made it to the bunk room, I sighed. No reply. So much for getting any sleep.

Chapter 50


After a sleepless night, my cell buzzing startled me from the haze of trying to sleep and being in the dark. I forgot about the alarm and was disappointed it wasn’t a text. There was another bathroom on the first floor, and I had my bag by the bed so I could grab our things quietly, hopefully not disturbing any of the bunnies. I nudged Lacy who had shared the twin bed with me.

Once she stretched, I slid off the bed, grabbed the bag, and we crept from the room as quietly as we could. We both went to the small half bath downstairs and washed our faces, brushed our teeth, and while she pulled her hair into a sleek ponytail, I piled mine into a messy bun and dug out my mascara. I needed something to brighten my eyes after the last few nights I’d had.

Lacy swiped her own mascara on and filled in her light brows. Neither of us had any remnants of the spray tans anymore. Her complexion was pale and suited her better than the fake bronzer. But she was a true blonde, and her lashes and brows were light and thin. I used to wish I was a blonde, but I was thankful for my lashes and brows. I only wore mascara to lengthen them a little. Looking down into my scarce makeup bag I huffed.

“What’s up?” Lacy asked.

“Can you believe we went from boxes of stage makeup to a tube of mascara and some gloss?”