“Looks like they’re headed north. Not far ahead of you. From what Keys found, there were four guys, but they’re down to three. He’s tracking them now.”
I stared down at the piece of shit in the floorboard. If Keys could track them, I didn’t need him, but I was close to the clubhouse now. I could drop him off for holding, just in case, and grab reinforcements. “I’m nearly at the clubhouse. How far is the van from there?”
Hawk mumbled something away from the phone. He must have been with Keys. “About half an hour. But they’re not flying anymore. Probably know where all the speed traps are.”
“I’m dropping off a package to the clubhouse. I need a couple guys, preferably one to drive my cage. If we hustle, we can catch up. They gotta stop eventually.”
“I’ll let ‘em know. Be careful, man.”
Jersey boy had passed out again while Hawk and I talked. Or maybe he was dead. I wasn’t as worried about him dying, since Keys found the van. But all it took was some traffic cams to be out of order for him to lose them, so it would be good to have him alive. There was no guarantee they were taking her back to the club or wherever they had been held before, so the more info we had the better.
I pulled down the long driveway, not unlike ours. The rain had finally stopped, and I jumped out quickly to greet the guys waiting for me. They had lights scattered around like we did, so even though it was dark, I could make everyone out.
“I heard you got a special package for us to hold onto, brother,” one of the guys said with a Southern accent even thicker than mine. His blond hair was pulled into a low ponytail and he flashed a smile as he blew out a plume of smoke.
I walked around and opened the door, letting Jersey boy fall to the ground with a grunt. “We may need him alive. The van doesn’t have much of a lead, and I think we can catch up.”
Knox, the President, walked my way and looked me over. He had short, dark hair and was as tall as me and just as wide. Just like Hawk, he looked friendly, but you knew he was in charge. “We’ll hold ‘em. Linx said he’ll drive the cage and Pitty and Tiny will follow.”
Linx was one scary looking dude, even to me. He had black hair slicked back, and tattoos covering nearly every inch of him, including his face, but what really made him stand out were his eyes. They were completely black. “Are those contacts?”
“Naw, tattoo. I like ink.” His voice was gravelly and deep. Yep. I wanted this dude on my side. If you could get your eyes tattooed, there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do. I’d never had anyone ask for that and I’m not sure I’d be comfortable doing it. That took a different kind of precision or you’d blind someone.
I was guessing Tiny was the giant, bald fucker that could crush me with his bare hands. Pitty must have been named after a Pitbull; he was short and stout, with a prominent brow, a perma-scowl, and a buzzed head.
The blond guy came and dragged Jersey boy away. Shit. These boys were either farm fed, or the mountain air grew them bigger.
Thankful for the help, I stuck my hand out to Knox and he shook it. “I appreciate this, brother.”
“Y’all better get going if you’re gonna catch up to them. You good?” he asked as he held up a shotgun.
“You know, that may not be a bad idea.” I grabbed the gun and started heading to my truck. Pitty and Tiny came over and, after a short discussion of what we’d do if we caught up with the van, Linx and I climbed into the cage. Pitty and Tiny mounted their Harleys.
Someone ran up and banged on the truck before we could start it up. “One second!” I looked over and a guy with short blond hair was putting gas in the tank. “Nothing like trying to have a high-speed chase and running out of fuel, ammirite boys?” he said loudly, followed by a cackle. He banged on the truck again before he took off toward one of the buildings. Linx started the engine and put the phone on the mount so he had an idea where he was going. Keys had set up a ping system so every few minutes, the route was updated. Thank fuck we had such a smart dude on our side.
Chapter 42
After a while, my tears halted and my body stopped shaking. My mouth was dry as a bone and my face cracked with each movement because of the dried saline and mucous from my sobs.
I listened as they fought about the man they left behind. The man that I shot. If nothing else, at least I knew I killed one of the men trying to capture me. I was proud of myself. Maybe Falcon would be, too.
To keep myself positive, I envisioned some sort of wild rescue. I’d been bouncing around on the floor, but I hoped to find a way to brace myself for when Falcon drove his truck broadside into the van, and we went toppling over down an embankment. Apparently, I watched more TV than I thought because, so far, this kidnapping was nothing like I expected. Plus, if the van went down an embankment with me tied up, I’d probably die.
Besides their bickering about their friend, there wasn’t much chatter. It was obvious from their accent and the way they were talking that they were Tony’s guys. Who knew my ass was so sought after? I figured he’d cut his losses once I left. He had lots of women. What was two to him?
Was Lacy in danger? Was this isolated? But how could it be isolated? Why else would these idiots have taken me? My head was spinning from all the questions that I had no answers to.
For the first time in my life, I was missing someone. I was missing Falcon. Was he missing me? Was he looking for me? Surely, he would have quickly realized I was gone and chased after us?
I hadn’t missed my mom when I left home, and I was relieved to be rid of Chad when I left. The only thing I had missed was my freedom. Even though I tried to pretend he was keeping it from me, Falcon had granted it back to me. Now it was gone again.
My eyes grew heavy as I pondered my situation. I was getting sleepy. Maybe it was from the driving, or from the lack of air since my head was covered and my mouth was gagged. I had nearly dozed off when hands were on me. That woke me up fast.
“Let’s see if this is the one he wanted,” the voice said.
Panic set in as I was turned onto my belly. I tried to scream, but it was muted by the gag in my mouth. My jeans were yanked down on one side and he laughed. “Oh yeah. It’s her. There’s the flower on her ass.”