Page 56 of Falcon

Jeannie was off tonight and plopped down on the couch with me and Lacy. “I love how she can run them off,” she said before she held a slice of pizza up and bit the end.

Mama Hen grabbed her cut and tugged at it. “You’re damn straight. Someone’s gotta keep them in line.”

Everyone laughed. I was starting to understand that women in the club were second fiddle. But all the men seemed to revere Mama Hen. No, she didn’t go to the little special room, but she seemed to have some pull.

I was drinking and trying to keep the greasy pizza from making a mess when my pocket buzzed. I hadn’t had a phone in so long I nearly jumped off the couch from the vibrations. Everyone else was too engrossed in the horror movie we were watching to notice.

After wiping my hands on my napkin, I pulled it out and swiped the screen.

Derek: How’s my woman?

Glancing around like a schoolgirl with a shit-eating grin, I bit my lip and replied.

Me: Partying hard. It’s a riot here.

Derek: I’d believe that if I hadn’t already checked in with Rooster.

I rolled my eyes. Damn spies. I had to remember to shoot Rooster a dirty look. Well, actually, he probably had to tell him. Some kind of club code or something. Rooster was forgiven.

Me: We have ten pizzas, lots of beer, and three movies to watch. It’s a party.

Derek: Good. Rest up. Because when I get home I’m going to tire you out.

Me: Don’t threaten me with a good time. Miss you.

Derek: I miss you Daisy. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Still grinning, I put my phone away and finished my pizza.

After the last movie, half the girls had passed out and I was sleepy, even though I hadn’t done shit all day. “Lacy, you ready to go to bed?”

Lacy rubbed her eyes. “I guess I fell asleep. Yeah. I don’t want a crick in my neck.”

We stood and Jeannie stretched. “I’m gonna stay. I’ve had too much to drink to drive home.”

Looking around, Mama Hen was already gone. She must have snuck out to go to bed. I walked to the window, and sure enough, her living room light was on.

I looked around, and most women were asleep or grabbing their stuff to go to bed. I grabbed Lacy and Jeannie’s hand. “Hey, since the guys are gone, you wanna have a sleepover in my room?”

They both nodded and we all headed up. We kicked our shoes off then all piled in the bed. I turned the lamp off and closed my eyes. Sure, it was fun, but I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to sleep after all the scary movies. And I wasn’t sure I could sleep alone anymore. But they didn’t have to know that part.

Chapter 34


Riding up, we didn’t have any issues and the weather was perfect. Normally, I’d love that ride. Very little traffic, not too hot, but not cold, fresh air, and just me and my brothers with our Harleys on the open road. But I couldn’t get comfortable. Even though she was petite, I missed the extra weight on the bike. And my back felt naked without her tucked against me.

I texted her when we stopped for gas and that only made it worse. Giving her the phone when I did was probably more for me than her, but I was still happy to have a way to check in on her.

Another bike pulled up at the pump and I noticed a sissy bar on the back. Looking down at mine, I wondered if Daisy wanted one of those. Some of the guys with old ladies put them on when they rode together, but so far she’d done just fine tucked close against me. If she had the sissy bar, she wouldn’t have to hold on so tight. Was I a complete dick if I didn’t want her to be able to scoot back?

After what felt like the longest ride, we met Petrov and his guys at our normal spot. IT seemed everything was back to usual with the pickup. Petrov Sr. was nowhere in sight.

Petrov walked over to me with a small box and Hawk went tense along with me, but we waited and watched. “My friend, a small gift,” Petrov said with a grin.

Hawk nodded for me to take it, so I grabbed the small white box. I slowly peeked inside then looked up. “Pastries. Thank you.” The sweet smell hit me in the face. I wanted to devour them but didn’t think crumbs and powdered sugar were suitable for the warehouse we did business in.

“I hope you can enjoy them before your long ride. Those are fresh from today. My sister.” He gave me a wink and my eyes went to Hawk.