Page 54 of Falcon

I turned and she fell back with her brows raised. “I plan to toss some clothes on and go.” I ran my hand down her stomach then over her sweet pussy before plunging a finger inside.

She gasped and struggled to get out, “But you need a shower.”

Dropping to my knees, I tucked my arms under her legs and jerked her to the edge of the bed. Inhaling deeply, I said, “I’ll brush my teeth, but I’m not washing you off until I get back. Now shut up and relax. Just enough time for one more taste before I go.”

Chapter 33


“Girl, you look all glowy. Are you pregnant?” Lacy asked.

“Bite your tongue. And no. Not yet, anyway. Apparently, he plans for me to be soon, though,” I said before I bit into a piece of toast.

“You’d have beautiful babies! He’s so dreamy!” Lacy crooned.

Covering my mouth since I was still working on the toast, I said, “Eagle’s no slouch. How’s that going?”

Lacy ran her hand over her long, blonde ponytail with a wistful look in her eyes. “He’s good. He’s a biker. But he’s fun.”

“What do you mean? Possessive and intense?” My biker was. But I kinda loved it.

“No. He’s super cool and we have great sex. But I dunno. It’s not like you and Falcon.”

“Most aren’t, honey,” Mama Hen said as she brought a carafe of fresh coffee over.

It was close to eleven in the morning, but after Falcon left, I passed out for a while before I got up to shower. It was pretty quiet in the bar area; only a few bunnies and us hanging out. It had a different feel during the day when nobody was around and the music wasn’t loud.

“Thanks, Mama Hen.” I sipped from the mug she had just topped off. “What do you mean?”

She smiled. “These boys are hard to nail down. But he’s smitten.”

I choked on my coffee. After grabbing my napkin and wiping off my chin I said, “I don’t think men like Falcon get smitten.”

She shrugged. “Honey, I’ve been around here longer than you’ve been alive. He’s smitten. Ain’t never seen one of these guys put a woman on their bike so fast.”

Mama Hen headed back to the kitchen, and we finished eating. Something was definitely different about him the last couple of days. Maybe he was just bummed about this run he had to go on. Unsure of what it was, I brushed it off and grabbed my plate, standing to go clean up.

Lacy was right behind me. Mama Hen tried to shoo us away, but I bumped her with my hip as Lacy grabbed my plate and put both in the dishwasher.

“What are you girls up to today?”

Leaning on the counter, I shrugged. “Not much I guess. Can’t leave.” I blew out a deep sigh.

Lacy threaded her arm through mine. “We can watch movies. And Eagle told me one of the guys would go get us pizza, but I had to ask a certain one. Jojo I think?”

“I’m happy to help, too, girls. Just let me know. It’ll be quiet tonight but our guys will be around. I gotta run to the club for a little while but I’ll be back before dinner. Maybe we should plan that. Pizza party for the ladies in the living room.” Mama Hen gave a wide smile.

Lacy said, “That sounds amazing! One of these days I want to check out your club. I need to get back to work soon.”

Mama Hen glanced at me, then over at Lacy. “Soon, honey. You’d fit in great. I got some busy work to get done today. But I’ll give you a heads up when I’m ready for you.” She squeezed my shoulder on the way out. “Red is roaming around but he’ll be headed to the bar in a while. Rooster is around, and so is Keys. You girls know how to reach me?”

Lacy shook her head. I pulled my cell phone out. “I don’t have your number but I can get it now.”

Mama Hen read off her number and I saved it before she left. It felt good to have a way to communicate with people. I smiled at my lockscreen. I made Falcon let me take a pic of us and another of him before he left so his handsome but serious face was my lockscreen, and a pic of us was my wallpaper. I ended up taking a few other photos, but the shirtless ones were for me. He programmed his number already and I downloaded a few apps while I lay in bed before I finally forced myself up and into the shower.

“Where’d ya get that?” Lacy asked as we walked outside. It was a beautiful day and if we were going to have movie night later, I needed to get some fresh air.

“Falcon got it for me. I bet if you asked, Eagle would get you one.”