Her touch on my arm broke me from my thoughts. “Yeah. Too much to drink, I guess. Long day.”
Mama Hen still held me with one arm but rubbed my hair with the other. “Maybe next time, not so many Jello shots for you. Once they’re done, I’ll have Falcon take you to bed.”
I nodded, staying tight-lipped so I didn’t cry again. The whole day was a bit overwhelming, even if in a great way. I had been on autopilot for so long it was odd to actually feel anything other than scared or just going through the motions of existing. I didn’t even know I wasn’t feeling anything until I actually did. And now all I could do was feel. Everything.
I was still scared, but not for my life. Now I was scared of losing all of this. I think that’s why I lost it in the truck. I already got comfortable and could stop being worried every second of the day, so when I thought I messed it up, I freaked out. Falcon was amazing, but I didn’t just want him, I wanted this life. A real life. With friends. Lacy was my friend, but what we shared was born of something traumatic. It was a different bond. One nobody would be able to break. But here, I had some semblance of a family, and friends that were friends just because we clicked.
Needing some space to gather myself, I patted Mama Hen’s arm, and she squeezed me, then pulled away and helped me from the bench. “I need to break the seal. I’ll be back soon, unless Falcon finds me first.”
They all whistled at me and banged on the table then continued their conversation. I walked inside through the bar and was headed to the hall that had a small bathroom when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
After dealing with handsy pricks and a few jealous ladies over the years, I was quick to react. Spinning on my heel as I grabbed the hand that tapped me, I came face to face with Sugar.
“Let me go, bitch!” she screamed.
I squeezed her wrist and yanked her closer. “You touched me first. What the fuck is your problem?” She slapped at my hand, trying to pull away, and I decided she wasn’t worth my time, so I shoved her arm away. “Stay away from me.” I started to turn and leave but swung back, got closer, and said, “And stay away from my biker.”
Her eyes squinted as she scowled, but she didn’t say shit, so I turned to go. I had taken several steps away before she called out, “He’s not yours, bitch. Don’t get comfortable.”
He told me to do what made me happy. At that moment, it seemed like punching her in the face would make me happy, so I did just that. She threw an open-handed slap toward me when I ran at her, but I grabbed her hand before it connected then threw a closed fist right at her nose. She stumbled back, but I couldn’t stop.
We fell to the ground and her arms flew around wildly, but she was just slapping me. I blocked her with one arm, pushing hers down and out of my way before I threw a punch to the side of her head. She kept smacking at my arms but somehow pushed me off her and we rolled across the floor. She managed to get on top of me but just grabbed my hair. I clasped my hands together and slammed up, hitting her chin like a volleyball. Her teeth clattered and it stunned her long enough to push her off me.
I climbed back over her. She covered her face and I only hit her a couple more times before I was flying through the air, kicking and still throwing my arms around trying to connect with something.
“Okay, Tyson. I think you’re good.” Falcon’s low voice pulled me from my rage, and I stopped kicking. I was still catching my breath as he let my feet hit the floor and turned me, pulling me close against him. “Great work. I think you broke her nose,” he said with a look of approval.
I turned around and watched as Sugar helped herself off the floor while the guys all stood around. Mama Hen came over and I shrunk down. “Mama Hen, I–”
“About damn time y’all had it out. Falcon, go take care of our girl. I’ll get Sugar’s nose tended to.” She patted my arm and gave me a warm smile. She wasn’t mad at me. She didn’t even look disappointed. She almost looked proud.
Falcon put his arm around my waist and turned us toward the rooms. The commotion died down before we made it to the hallway leading upstairs. I had to fight back more tears the whole way up. I hated that I cried after stupid shit, but between the drop of adrenaline and the relief that everyone was cool with what just happened, I barely could keep the tears in.
Once we walked through the door, though, I couldn’t hold it back any longer. I stopped in the middle of the room and covered my face. My shoulders bounced and I held my breath, trying to keep it all from happening. But when his large body enveloped mine, I melted into his warmth. It was so dumb to be crying, but I couldn’t believe nobody was upset.
“Let it out, Daisy.”
The dam broke. I was a sniffling, trembling, heaving mess and my tears dampened his shirt. He only wrapped me up tighter, my face smashed against his hard chest. He didn’t tell me to stop. He didn’t tell me to get over it. He just held me.
“Yes, darlin’?”
I sniffled a few times and kept my head down. “Tell me this is real.”
He grabbed my chin between his thumb and fingers and tilted my head back. “This is real, Daisy. I’ll show you. Every day. You just have to let me.”
His gaze softened into the one I’d only seen aimed at me. He was always serious and determined. But when he looked at me, the determination turned into something else. It was like those hazel eyes took in every single angle and plane of my face.
“When you look at me like that, I wish I knew what you were thinking.”
“I’m thinking I’m one lucky man.” He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “Lucky to have something so precious to call mine.”
I loved that I was his. Each time he said it, it felt more real. But I still needed something more. “Falcon?” He gave an acknowledging grunt, so I asked, “If I’m yours, does that mean you’re mine?”
Chapter 28