Page 4 of Falcon

I grabbed my clothes from the floor then leaned in to do my spiel. “So, big boy, wanna go to a party room?”

This felt so wrong. Well, all of this was wrong. But if I took him back there, he had to pay up…and I had to put out. Something about him paying me for it made me sicker than the usual men I had to deal with.

“No, darlin’. Not tonight.”

Vinny walked over and smiled. “Hey fellas. Having a good time?”


“Yeah, man. Decent place,” the guy who paid for the dance said.

“You fellas can all go to the party room if you like. Nice setup and you can have any booze you want. And Dixie here and some friends can keep you company,” he said with a wink.

The serious one stood, and the others followed. “Like he told the lady, not tonight. We gotta head out.” He shot a look at the hot guy and nodded to the door with his phone in his hand.

Vinny’s chest rose with a deep breath, but he kept his composure. “You’re missing out.”

The man who just had his face in my snatch leaned in and shoved some cash in my hand then whispered in my ear. “Nice tattoo, darlin’.”

A tremble ran down my spine and my eyes were glued to him as he walked away with his guys as I tied my top back on.

Before I could book it to the bathroom to organize myself and try to hide some of the cash they gave me, a huge hand grabbed me and hustled me back to the dressing room.

“Hey boss, she didn’t get a party room but those fuckers threw some serious cash at her.”

Turning with a hiss as he pushed me forward. I held back my tears. Not sad tears, but rage tears.

Tony put his hand out, forcing me to drop what I was holding, then pulled the bills from my thong. His eyes went wide. “And you didn’t go to a room?” he asked as he straightened the hundred-dollar bills.

Shit. There had to be a few grand there from one dance. I shook my head. Best to keep my mouth shut. But it would be my shitty luck that I got that much cash and couldn’t stash any of it. Goddammit.

“Who was it?” he asked as he pulled his drawer open and put all of my money in.

I shrugged, trying not to stare at the cash with longing. “Just some guys.”

“The bikers that were in. Didn’t stay long.”

Tony slowly looked up. “Oh yeah. Why?”

“They said they had to g— ”

He stood and walked around the desk as I tried to answer, rushing to me and got in my face. “Why did they come in just for a fucking lap dance and leave all this money?” The back of his hand connected with my jaw. My body twisted with the force, and I fell onto a chair, grabbing the arms to right myself as the searing heat crossed my face.

“I don’t know,” I gritted out when a hand grabbed the back of my neck and jerked me up.

“You fucking bitch! Are you snitching?” he shouted in my ear. Nobody would hear him over the music and if they did, they wouldn’t care.

“I don’t even know them. I’ve never seen them, Tony, I swear!” I pleaded as he shoved me back toward the chair.

“Get her back to the compound. Ice her face. She can’t get tips with a bruised mouth,” he barked the order at Vinny, his voice disgusted like it was my fault he just hit me.

Vinny grabbed me and escorted me out the back and into one of Tony’s cars.

Just perfect. That money could have gotten me closer to getting out. For now, I was stuck.

Chapter 3
