It felt nice to know I had a place to go, to escape things at home. I stood and joined them at the table to eat my pancakes. I casually scrolled through the rest of the notifications on my phone. There were several texts from my dad asking if I was okay and to call him. Once I finished eating, I took my phone and changed clothes in the bathroom. I didn’t know why I wanted to call him alone, but I did. The phone rang, and I worried he wouldn’t pick up.
“Pumpkin, are you okay?”
“Yeah, Dad.” I cleared my throat. “How’s Hope? I heard about the accident.” I left out that Holden had accused me. I couldn’t take it if my dad agreed.
“She made it through surgery. She has a broken leg and wrist, several cuts and bruises. Her body took most of the impact, saving her head. Not sure if that’s positive, but it means she’s awake and alert.”
I thought I’d feel relieved to hear that, but I didn’t. Not that I wanted her dead or unconscious, but if she was cognizant, it meant she’d keep making my life hell. If Holden blamed me, she’d jump on that bandwagon, and soon, I’d be right back?—
The purpose of airing my truth was so Hope could no longer bully me. If I ducked and hid now, it would all have been for nothing.
“That’s good, Dad.”
“Pumpkin…” he hesitated, “why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I didn’t want to burden you with it. You were already dealing with so much.”
“Oh, Emmy. I would’ve been there for you. I would’ve…”
“You never would have met Rose if you knew the history, Dad. I might not like Hope, but I can see how good Rose is for you.”
“Maybe. But I still would have liked to have known. To be a better parent.”
“I’m sorry, Dad.”
“Don’t apologize; just, let’s do better, Pumpkin.”
“I’d like that.” Tears pricked my eyes, and I wiped it away before it could fall.
“Are you coming home?”
“I’m not sure. I have to meet with the Dean and…”
“Emmy, hold on.”
I heard rustling, and I bit my lip. Muffled voices met my ears, and my gut sank.
“Hope’s asking for you,” he said when he returned.
“Oh. Um. I… I’m not sure I want to talk to her.”
“Please think about it, Emmy. I think it could be good.”
I blew out a breath. “I’ll think about it.”
“Okay, Pumpkin. I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up before I could say more, and I withdrew the phone, staring at it like it had betrayed me. One second, my father had been contrite, and the next, it seemed like he had better things to do.
He’s already choosing them.
Shaking away the lie, I brushed my teeth. I didn’t look professional, but driving home right now did not sound appealing, so I’d have to pray the Dean wasn’t pretentious.
“Stop fidgeting, Peanut. You’re making me nervous,” Cody scolded. He grabbed my hands and clasped them between his. The door to the Dean’s office opened, and I jumped up, smoothing down my shirt.
“Miss Adams, thank you for making time to meet with me. Please, come in.”
I gave Cody one more glance before following the Dean into her office. He gave me a reassuring smile, and I took a deep breath before closing the door. Dean Adroit sat behind her mahogany desk, her hands clasped as she watched me. I took the seat before her and crossed my ankles over one another.