Page 35 of Cruel Steps

“All right. You want to tell the TA or me?”

“I will. Thanks, Cody.” I smiled and stood, climbing over my row and heading down the stairs. A few people were in front of me, and I bounced on my feet as I nervously waited.

“Name and topic?” the TA drawled without looking at me.

“Emerson Adams and Cody… shoot, I don’t know his last name.” The TA sighed and rolled his eyes. He scanned the roster and stopped.

“You’re in luck. Only one Cody. What’s the topic?”

“Social media and group dynamics.”

“Here’s the template. Be sure to get any releases you need before your observation.” He handed me a packet, and I smiled, feeling relief we’d gotten the one I wanted.

I’d only taken one step back to my seat when phones started to go off, their chirping and buzzing a sound I was all too familiar with. My breath quickened, and I froze, praying I was just imagining it. She said she wouldn’t do anything. Had it all been a ploy to get me to let my guard down?

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I relaxed. If Hope had been up to her old antics, I wouldn’t have gotten the mass text, too. At least, I tried to convince myself of that.

Taking out my phone, my hands shook, and it took a few attempts to unlock it. The noise around me grew, but I pushed it aside, focusing my attention on the device in my hand.

A text from an unknown number appeared, and I knew who it was from. Cold dread ran down my spine, and the room spun as I read the messages.

Unknown: You should’ve stayed invisible, Emerson.

Unknown: Now I’ll have to show the school how much of a fat loser you are.

With shaky fingers, I replied, unable to stop myself.

Emerson: Why are you doing this?

Unknown: You’re a pathetic muppet, and you’ll never be on the dance team.

Unknown: Keep trying, though. It’s fun to watch you fall.

Tears ran down my cheeks, making the faces around me blur. The sound amplified, and I couldn’t tell if they were laughing at me or if it was normal. Meeting Cody’s eyes through my tears, I found the answer. Pity. His eyes held pity.

My feet finally unfroze, and I bolted out the door the professor had left through earlier. I didn’t care if I wasn’t supposed to. I just had to get out of there and away from that look. People shouted, but I didn’t listen; I was too focused on getting to a safe place.

But that was it… nowhere was safe. Not anymore. Hayward was Hope’s school, and I’d ignorantly believed I could take her down.




Tears blinded me as I ran through the hall, my feet moving me in a direction far from the humiliation. God, I’d been so dumb. Why had I thought I could take Hope on? I was an amateur compared to her. I’d never be able to stand up to her bullying. Hope would always win.

Arms wrapped around me right before I crashed into a hard body. I deflated, the flight response leaving me now that I’d been captured.

“Whoa. Mer, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Large hands smoothed over my face, wiping the tears and pushing my hair away. I squeezed my eyes shut in response, believing it couldn’t hurt me if I ignored reality. Unfortunately, the body I’d smacked into didn’t hold the same belief and tilted my head up, their thumbs caressing my cheeks in a soft gesture.

“Who did this to you?”

I shook my head. I couldn’t. It was always worse if I spoke up. Always.

“Mer, please. Let me help.”