“Let’s eat,” Mom said, picking up a bowl. Everyone followed suit, portioning out food onto their plate. Emerson shifted in her seat to hand me a bowl and our fingers brushed. I shoved the bowl at Hope, but it was too late. Electrical shocks raced up my arm at the contact, and I took a deep breath.
Which was a big mistake as her pomegranate and sweet smell invaded my space. I now knew it was her shampoo and body wash. In a weak moment, I’d used it to jerk off with, and now the smell made me hard every time it entered my nostrils.
Digging my fingers into my thigh, I tried to take breaths through my mouth, but the damage had been done, and everywhere I’d smelled it on her body replayed in technicolor. Goosebumps flitted across my body, and blood rushed back to my dick.
Apparently, my brain interpreted off-limits as a mere suggestion, and the QB in me saw all the holes in the defense.
Hope kicked me under the table, and I scowled at her from across the table. Nothing like your sister to remind you why fucking your step-sister was a bad idea. She motioned with her eyes, and I looked at the head of the table where Milton and Mom stared at me.
“What?” I asked, my voice cracking. I picked up the ice water and drank it, but it did nothing to quench the heat inside. No, that would require another wetness.
“The food okay?” Mom asked.
I picked up my fork, shoving something in my mouth, and nodded. I couldn’t taste it. I didn’t even know what it was. Everything seemed bland compared to my Wildcat.
“How was everyone’s day?” Mom asked. Hope gushed about something one of her sorority sisters did and how she might have people over tomorrow. She could have been talking about getting a sex change, and I wouldn’t have noticed. The second everyone’s attention shifted to Hope, Emerson spread her legs, her dress rising up, and stole all my focus.
No panties. No panties. No panties.
I could reach over and touch her clit, and no one would know.
Quit thinking about her clit, dummy!
God, her pussy was perfect.
I groaned, then froze. Fuck. Had that been out loud? I coughed and then cleared my throat, taking another drink of water. Everyone’s eyes were back on me, and I shifted.
“Sorry, dry mouth.”
“You’re not coming down with anything, are you, honey?” Mom asked.
“Nope.” I shoveled more food into my mouth. The faster I finished, the quicker I could pack and leave temptation behind.
“What about you, Emmy?” Mom asked, turning her focus to the goddess beside me. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t like Emerson being called Emmy. She kept her eyes lowered, her voice soft as she spoke to my mother. It was nowhere close to the wildcat I knew her to be. I couldn’t tell if she was playing one of us or if she felt that uncomfortable.
She wasn’t uncomfortable with me.
Not the time, brain! Off-limits. Get it in your head.
Fuck. I needed to get out of here, or I’d go insane arguing with myself.
“Um, I wanted to ask you about something. I went by the housing office, and they couldn’t find my name in the system. They said there wasn’t anywhere for me.” She flicked her eyes over to Hope before returning to my mom. What was that about?
“Oh, that’s something we wanted to talk to all of you about.” Mom turned to Milton and he cleared his throat.
“Rose and I have thought about this, and we feel it would be better for everyone to live at home this year as a family.”
Silence fell over the table as his words sunk in. Hope sat up, her mouth hanging open.
“Wait, I’m supposed to live in the Zeta house this year!” she shrieked.
“You can next year, honey.”
“No! You can’t do this.”