“And maybe change the lighting back here, Boss,” Jojo said, planting her hands on her hips.
“Yes, Jo. I’ll get on that, Jo,” he said with a smile, as if they’d had this conversation a lot.
“Call me if you need anything, Mer.”
I nodded and let Hendrix usher me out the door. He was quiet, and I appreciated that he wasn’t pressuring me. “You’ve been doing a great job, kiddo. I hope tonight doesn’t make you want to quit,” he said when I stopped at my car.
“Kiddo? How old are you? You can’t be that much older than me.”
He chuckled. “I’ll be thirty this year. To me, you are still a kid.”
I rolled my eyes like the mature adult I was. “Okay, Gramps.”
Hendrix laughed again and shook his head. “Be good.”
I nodded and climbed into my car. He waited until I’d pulled out of the back lot before he turned to walk inside. His care made me feel better, and I shoved the whole experience out of my head. I didn’t want to think about Ricky anymore. He’d already taken enough of my time.
The house was dark and quiet when I unlocked the back door. I hadn’t seen Hope’s car, but Holden’s truck had been parked in the usual spot. I prayed it meant he was asleep, resting for the game tomorrow. I didn’t have the strength to deal with him tonight.
Soft music flowed from under his door, so I quietly entered my room and peeked into the bathroom. The light was off in his room, so I suspected he’d fallen asleep with music playing. Still, I kept the light off in the bathroom, not wanting to alert him to my arrival. I plugged in a small light I had that shifted colors and used it to take stock.
Dark circles had developed under my eyes, and I had a red spot on my forehead. I should be able to cover it with makeup. Scanning my wrists, I winced at the tender skin. That would be harder to manage. At least I’d be in the Wolfie costume tomorrow. I never thought I’d be thankful to be the mascot, but it meant my body wasn’t on display.
Glancing at the shower, I bit my lip as I debated if it was worth turning it on and risk waking Holden. In the end, it didn’t matter. The door swung open, and Holden turned on the light, freezing when his eyes landed on me. His aquamarine orbs went wide, and he stalked forward. I flinched, and he stopped, his hands hovering over me.
“Who. Did. This?”
“Who. Did. This?” Holden gritted out the words, the sound sexier than what should be allowed. His eyes held me hostage, and all the turmoil of the past week and night boiled over and finally broke free. Tears pooled in my eyes and my lip trembled. I tried to suck the emotion back in, but it was a lost cause.
Holden’s big hands captured my face and tilted it up. His thumbs brushed away my tears, softer than I expected him capable of.
“Wildcat,” he whispered.
That one word killed me. How I wished we could go back to the night we met, when he called me that without any of the animosity the word held now.
“No. Don’t call me that.” He let out a deep breath, his voice still low.
“Talk to me, Emerson. Tell me what happened.”
“Why do you care?” I fired back, hating how weak I felt in front of him. “You’ve ignored me most of the week. Go back to that.” I pushed him away. His touch was too much right now.
Instantly, his concern morphed into anger, and I felt vindicated. I didn’t want his gentle touch. Not when he’d been so dismissive all week. To feel it now hurt too much.
“You drive me fucking crazy!” Holden’s nostrils flared, and his hands twitched at his side.
“Good! You deserve it for the shit you’ve pulled.”
“Me?” His eyes widened, like he had no idea what I meant.
“Yes, you. I never know if I’m getting hot or cold Holden. One minute, you want me, and we’re playing sex chicken, and the next, you ignore me like I’m nothing. That what we shared wasn’t more than a hook-up. That I’m…” My words trailed off, the vulnerability overwhelming me.
“And you’re any better? One minute you’re taunting me with no panties, and the next, you’re fucking Cody!”