“Name?” he asked.
“Emerson. Emerson Adams.”
He nodded, marking something on his computer. “Please take a seat. Unless you want to teach?”
I shook my head, my face warming more. “Nope. I’ll…” I glanced around the small classroom, not seeing any open spots.
“There’s one in the back.”
My feet moved before I spotted the seat, trusting the teacher hadn’t sent me on a wild goose chase. The quicker I was away from his intense stare, the better. I finally spotted the open spot at the very last row, the furthest from the door. I moved down the aisle toward the two-person table and sat down. I pulled out my drawing pad and pencils I’d picked up at the bookstore, trying to listen to the teacher as he reviewed the syllabus.
I’d blame my embarrassment for not noticing who I sat next to. My focus had been on the teacher and trying not to make a scene. The second my awareness came online, I felt him.
His hand jutted out, touching the spot Colter had just given me hours ago, and my body responded at his touch. I fought to focus on the front, hoping he’d leave me alone if I ignored him. No such luck.
The brute leaned down, his breath sending shivers through me at his closeness. “If this is from Cody, I’ll make sure he never fucking plays football again.”
Gasping, I turned and brought my face mere centimeters from Holden’s. His eyes were no longer blank, like the past two times I’d stared into them. The aquamarine blazed to life, threatening to light me up if I touched it. The problem was, I didn’t know if that was a deterrent or incentive. It should be an easy answer, but nothing with Holden ever was. Not anymore.
He stared, unblinking, and the rest of the class faded. How did I keep finding myself in this situation with Holden? I needed to stay away from him. Nothing had changed, and I knew where he stood.
But I couldn’t.
The same masochistic tendency I had all summer whenever I heard “Lose Control” seemed to apply to the man himself. I had no control when it came to Holden Adler.
“It’s none of your concern,” I said instead of the truth. I was tired of feeling on the losing end when it came to Holden.
“The fuck it isn’t,” he said, his words a growl.
“I’m sorry, but have things changed since yesterday when you told me it didn’t matter what we wanted?”
He gritted his teeth, not answering.
“Yeah. I didn’t think so, which means it’s not your concern.” I narrowed my eyes. “If I find out you hurt one hair on Cody’s head, I’ll make you regret it, Holden.”
“What are you going to do, Wildcat? Knee me in the balls again?” He smirked, making fun of me.
I leaned closer, enjoying how his pupils dilated and his breath halted. “Fuck around and find out.” I paused, licking my lips. His eyes tracked the movement, giving me some of my confidence back. “That knee will feel like a tickle compared to what I’m capable of.”
My mouth was writing checks I had no idea how to cash, but I wouldn’t let him punish Cody. Granted, I could just tell him the truth, and he’d have no reason to touch Cody. But his jealousy made me feel good, and I liked that feeling too much.
His jaw ticked, and his nostrils flared. It was a look I seemed to bring out in Holden every time we were together. “Awfully bold from someone who claims they had nothing to do with Hope’s bullying.”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Wake up, Jockstrap. Hope hasn’t been bullied a day in her life. She’s the bully. Has been since freshman year when she tripped me during the dance team tryout and pushed me into another dancer. Your sister isn’t a nice person. I bet if you asked someone not in her circle, you’d be surprised at how far her reach has grown.”
Holden opened his mouth, but closed it before saying anything. The shadow on the table, followed by the teacher’s voice, told me why.
“Problem, Mr. Adler?”
“Emerson said a #2 pencil was the same as a 9B, and I couldn’t let that stand,” he lied smoothly.
“Well done, Mr. Adler. I hope you learned something, Miss Adams. You’re lucky to have Holden as a partner.”
“Yes.” His brows furrowed. “I explained it a minute ago. You’re to draw each other how you see them, not as they are. It’s due next week. I expect great things from you two.”
“Yes, sir.” Holden nodded, and I frowned. He could be so nice to this stuffy professor, but me, the girl who’d rode his dick all night long months ago, he could barely tolerate? Rude.