Page 48 of Cruel Steps

Colter: I’m here, Merbear. I’ll always be here.

Colter: My magic 8-ball app told me I’d have better luck tomorrow, so good night.

Colter: P.S. You looked gorgeous today. Yes, even with your tears, you were still the most beautiful girl I saw all day.

I set my alarm and climbed under my covers, glad I’d gotten Holden to admit his attraction and confront the lies he used to keep himself away. I didn’t know how, but I’d find a way to bring us all together.

But first, I’d show Mer how obsessed I’d become with her. Because Cody had been right about one thing: she was my girl.




My body felt sluggish from the emotional turmoil of the day before. I’d gotten lax in guarding myself. Brighton had made me comfortable, and now my stamina for attacks was low. The fact I had to have the stamina to deal with bullying wasn’t lost on me.

Dressing in a comfortable dress, jean jacket, and tennis shoes, I prayed changing up my look might help me blend in. I tiptoed down the stairs, but the house was quiet. No one was in the kitchen, so I sat at the island, excited to enjoy a peaceful breakfast.

“Emmy! I’m glad I caught you. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?” Rose asked as she stepped into the kitchen.

I paused with a mouthful of cereal, looking up to meet her eyes. She didn’t seem to know about the video from yesterday. Swallowing, I nodded for her to continue.

“I have some donations I need dropped off. I meant to yesterday on my way home and I spaced out. Wedding plans have me all over the place.”

“Donations?” I asked, wiping my mouth.

Rose glanced up from the coffee she was making. “I’m the current president of the Darlington Humanities Foundation. We had a donation drive on Saturday. I wanted to invite you to come, but yeah.” But I’d ignored everyone all weekend. “I got everything but the animal shelter donations delivered on Sunday. Are you familiar with Pawsitive Haven?”

“It sounds vaguely familiar.”

“It’s a no-kill shelter outside of Darlington, not too far from campus. The owner is a friend of mine.” She sipped her coffee, watching me.

“Cool. Um, yeah, I can do that for you.”

“Thank you. I’d do it myself, but I need to run by the seamstress this morning. Did you and Hope pick out your dresses yet?”

“Not exactly.”

“Don’t wait too long. There’s not much time for them to arrive if they don’t have it in stock.” I nodded, not wanting to get into all the reasons Hope and I hadn’t picked a dress together. “I’ll set the stuff next to your car. Have a good day, sweetie.”

She kissed my cheek before heading out the door, and I warmed from the simple affection. I wished Hope wasn’t her daughter. It would be so much easier if she wasn’t.

Finishing my breakfast, I gathered my stuff and loaded the bags of dog food, cat litter, and miscellaneous pet items into my trunk. The drive was quick, and I pushed open the door to Pawsitive Haven with the dog food in tow.

A woman with a long gray braid walked around the corner at my entrance. She smiled, putting me instantly at ease. “Hi! I’m Sandy.”

“Hi. I have donations to drop off.”

“Ah, you must be Rose’s daughter.”

“Step-daughter. I’m Emerson.”

She smiled, taking the bag of dog food. “Regardless, thank you for bringing this by. Rose is a dear friend, and the only one who goes out of her way to make sure our needs are met.”

“Rose does seem nice. I’ve only known her a short while.”

Sandy studied me. “Would you like a tour? You look like you could use a dog cuddle.”