“You’re right. I’m sorry, man. She’s got me so twisted up. I don’t know what I’m feeling or thinking half the time.”
I let the silence hang for a second before I asked my next question. “Did you see the video?”
His head snapped up, and his eyes sharpened. Holden could pretend he didn’t care, but it was written all over his face. He liked her. Perhaps a lot more than he even realized.
“What video?”
Pulling out my phone, I loaded the video I had saved. My heart picked up speed at the images, and I ground my molars practically into dust at the anger I had for whoever shot this.
“What the hell!” he shouted, tugging the phone out of my hand to rewatch. Emerson’s half-naked body was on display, like she’d been caught mid-change with only her shorts and bra on. Her hair was different, and she looked younger, so I’d guess it was from a few years ago. She was in a locker room, and several girls crowded around her as she cowered, covering herself. They poked and prodded at her body, pushing her arms down and holding her still as they used a marker to write slurs and circle areas of her body. No other faces were shown; the camera angle stayed solely on Emerson.
She’d kept her head down for most of it, tears streaming down her face as they harassed her. In the last shot, her head snapped up, like someone off camera had called her name. It was the emotion in her eyes that gutted me. They were filled with fear and self-hatred. It wasn’t the girl I’d met, the one full of life and sparkle.
Holden stared down at the phone, his face slack, and emotions swirling in his eyes.
“This morning, she ran into me, literally. Tears streamed down her face to the point she couldn’t see. I tried to get her to tell me what was happening, but she refused. Rivers came out a few minutes later with her stuff and told me about the video. It had been sent out to the entire student body.”
Holden dropped my phone and reached for his, presumably to search through his emails. I had a sinking suspicion he wouldn’t find one. The more information I gleaned, the clearer the picture became.
“It’s not here.”
I nodded, having expected that.
“What do you know?” he barked.
“Once I open this jar, you won’t be able to close it. You sure?”
Holden’s jaw ticked, his blue eyes blazing, but he nodded.
“I watched the video. It infuriated me, and I shouted at Emerson. I wasn’t mad at her, but about the video. But it came out sounding like she was the problem.” I sighed, regretting my temper. “I messed up, but by the time I realized, she left. Cody held me back so I couldn’t follow her.”
“Fucking Rivers. He better watch himself.”
I smirked at his display of jealousy. You’re only kidding yourself, Hol. “I’d messaged a couple girls over the weekend.” Holden smirked, and I rolled my eyes. Yeah, yeah, playboy Colter. “I wanted to find out why Mer hadn’t made the cut,” I paused, taking in a deep breath. “Every girl I asked said the same thing.”
Holden clenched his fists, working his jaw as he rolled that information around. “What aren’t you saying, Colt?”
“I don’t think it’s a coincidence you didn’t receive the email, or that she was kept off the dance team. The same person is behind both.”
“You can’t be serious,” he scoffed.
“I know you love your sister, but you can’t be that blind to her actions.”
Holden abruptly stood and started to pace the length of the living room, running his hands through his hair as he thought. “I must’ve come upon her after she left you. I…” He shook his head, tugging at his strands. “She was beating a bouquet of roses against her car. Red petals were everywhere. It was wild. It was like she was in a different place.” He looked up, his face distraught. “I pulled her away, and she kept fighting me, shouting to let her go. If I’d been anyone else, I probably would’ve been arrested. I noticed she’d cut up her arms and hands, so I took her to the bathroom to clean it up.”
I’d noticed similar cuts on his arms and wondered where they’d come from.
“What happened then?” I prompted.
He gave a wry chuckle. “I pissed her off, and she stormed away. I followed her, watched her grab her things, and then return to campus. I… I don’t know why, but I picked up the mess.”
Oh, my sweet summer child. I’d have to tiptoe around this delicately.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
Holden stopped pacing, his hands on his hips, and stared. His jaw ticked, and I watched as he ran through plays in his head. With a sigh, he pulled out a wrinkled card and handed it to me. I glanced at the message, frowning at what it said.
It’s so hard not to spoil you. Enjoy your first day and my little gift.