Cody: I know we just met, but I’m your friend if you need one. I got you.
Tears lined my lids, and I blinked them away. Cody had been unexpected, but I wouldn’t push away a friend.
Suddenly, the fear he was a Hope plant hit me, and I hated the doubt that rose.
Emerson: Do you know Hope Adler?
Cody: Never heard of her.
Emerson: Promise?
Cody: I promise, Emerson.
Cody: Is she the one?
Somehow, I knew he meant the bully. That recognition in his eyes had spoken to the pain inside me.
Emerson: Yeah. I’ll tell you more later if you’re interested.
Cody: Whatever you need. Don’t feel like you’re required.
That simple acknowledgement told me he got it, and I wanted to share with him.
Emerson: I’m glad the only open seat was next to you.
Cody: Me too, Emerson.
Cody: And I’m sorry if my words made you feel unwanted.
Cody: It’s not that at all. I’ll explain later. It’s not a text convo.
Emerson: Okay. I’ll see you after practice, Cody.
Cody: Later, Emerson.
Cody: If anything happens, you can text me before then. XX
A weight lifted off my chest, and I took a deep breath. I could do this. I’d make it through this day and have one day down on this campus.
Opening my laptop, I deleted the email from the anonymous sender, deciding I didn’t need to relive whatever she sent. There was also an email from the advisor I’d messaged about the independent study, agreeing to take me on. They wanted to meet tomorrow at the library. Feeling relieved, I replied with the times I was available.
The bell rang again some time later, and students filled the quad, disturbing my peace, so I packed up my belongings and headed to my next class.
Thankfully, there were no surprises during English 310. I got a couple of looks, but they turned away the moment I met their eyes. With each minute where nothing awful happened, I built up my confidence and strength.
At lunch, I avoided the cafeteria—I knew my limits—and ate a sandwich I grabbed from a cart outside and spent my afternoon in the library working on my English assignment. When I got to a good place, I pulled out my notebook and wrote down some new ideas for punishing Hope.
I didn’t run into Holden or Colter again, which gave me time to prepare myself for the inevitable this afternoon when I saw them both and Hope.
I changed in the library bathroom and met the team outside a minute before practice started. Again, I’d learned to restrict my access to Hope and avoid areas where she could corner me.
The look on her face when I strolled up would fuel me for days. Damn, I wished I’d captured it on camera so I could look at it all the time.
“What the fuck is she doing here? You said she was the mascot!” she shouted at Kimmy. I’d learned that Kimmy and Leigh were the captains from the welcome email I received over the weekend with the schedule. I hated that they were friends with Hope.
“She’s the alternate, Hope,” Leigh said, her tone bored. “She has to know the dances in case she’s needed.”
Hope glared daggers, unable to deny Leigh, and I smiled my first real smile all day. Damn. Revenge felt good.