Page 183 of Cruel Steps

I gulped. That sounded horrible. “Oh, wow. I can’t wait. Then we’ll get married?” I took another step to the left, and he followed.

“That’s the best part. I just need you to sign the license, and we’ll be married instantly.”

I froze, my heart beating rampantly as I tried to stay calm. “Ho-ow?”

“A friend of mine works at the courthouse. I got all kinds of information about you there. It was easy.” He shrugged, smiling like he hadn’t violated my privacy or taken away my consent by forging a document. At least I still had to sign it. That was something.

“That was so thoughtful of you. I can’t believe you went through all this trouble.” I took another step. The door was directly in front of me now. He was still close, but no longer in my direct line. If I missed with the cans, I’d be screwed.

“I’d do anything for you, Princess. The last few months should tell you that. Always changing cars. Constantly being guarded.” He shook his head, exasperated. “I’ve enjoyed this little game, but it’s over now. We’re together.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” I swallowed, my heart beating hard in my chest. I needed a distraction. “Are you going to wear Wolfie? Or will you change clothes?”

He looked down, frowning at the mascot costume still covering his body like he’d forgotten before looking back to me. “That’s my Princess. It’s so thoughtful, but I should keep it on. There are police here looking for me. I can’t be too careful.” He laughed, and I chuckled nervously.

“Right.” My hands sweated, and the can felt slippery in my grip. It was now or never. Time to pull out the oldest trick in the book. “What’s that?” I asked, pointing behind him.

The can became visible, but he turned to look where I’d pointed and thankfully ignored it. The moment his head was turned, I took the opportunity and ran for the door, launching the can when I was closer. He whirled around at the sound of my feet on the floor, and the can missed the mark and glanced off his shoulder.

Only two more steps from the door, so I threw the next can. I didn’t wait to see if it struck as I reached for the bolt and flung it open. The door was heavy, but I used every ounce of strength I had and whipped it open. I could hear him behind me, so I didn’t stop to look as I took off running.

My feet slapped against the ground, and I was glad I had on tennis shoes as I ran for my life. The pom strings guided me around turns, my heart beating so hard I could barely hear anything else over the blood pounding in my ears. A second later, a hand wrapped around my ponytail and yanked me backward.

“Ahh!” I screamed, my voice hoarse. My head jerked back at the movement, but I dislodged him.

My head stung where the hair was pulled, but I ignored it and pushed harder. I turned another corner just as the sound became louder. I had to be closer to people. I can’t give up. Tears streamed down my face, and my lungs burned as I attempted to pull in enough air. The area became more familiar, and I pushed my arms harder. I could hear voices up ahead. I was almost there.

I turned the corner and spotted Colter picking up the first pom I’d dropped. My heart sang, and I opened my mouth to shout at him, just as an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me off my feet.

“Noooo!” I screamed, the sound barely above a whisper. I kicked and flung myself, hitting back with my elbows. I used all of my weight to push him off balance. Now that I’d seen salvation so close, I wouldn’t lose it.

One foot kicked back hard, and I managed to nail him between his legs. He crumpled, cursing me as he fell to the ground with me on top of him. He groaned, his arms tightening around me. I continued to thrash and roll. I wouldn’t give up.

“Stupid bitch. Those boys aren’t good for you. They defile you and use you. We belong together.”

“Fuck you! You’re deranged!” I shouted as loud as I could, which wasn’t very loud considering my voice situation, but I didn’t stop. I clipped him in the jaw with my elbow, and he finally let go. I rolled off and crawled away as far as I could on my hands and knees.

I wasn’t fast enough.

He grabbed my ankle just as I stood, sending me back to my knees. I hit the concrete, and tears filled my eyes.

“No! Let me go!” I turned on my butt, kicking at him with my free leg. He only had one hand on me, the other covering his groin. I lifted my leg and brought the heel down onto his fingers over and over.

“You’ll always be mine, Princess. You’ll accept it one day.”

“No, I won’t. Never. You might as well get that now. My heart belongs to them, so if you take me, I’ll never stop loving them.” The words came out barely above a whisper, my voice nearly gone. Tears streamed down my face, and I sucked in a breath and gave one more kick. His grip broke, and I scooted back on my hands.

“We belong together!” he shouted, reaching out for me. “I’m trying to save you!”

“The only person I need saving from is you! I’m not yours. I’ll never be yours.” My back hit something solid, and my heart sank. Trapped.

But then it moved, and the familiar smell of citrus and cotton washed over me.

Safety. Home. Love.

“I’d listen to her if I were you, Owen. She said no.”

Arms wrapped around me, lifting me up, and I didn’t fight it this time. Colter held me tight, and I relaxed into his hold. Finally.