Page 2 of Saviors

Another whimper as I dipped inside her. She was soft and warm, everything I was fucking dying for. My balls ached to unleash, but I kept my touch gentle, slowly pumping in and out of her. Listening to the sound of her desire for us.

“Taste how much you want this,” Maverick said, and I withdrew to follow his order.

The girl blinked as I brought my wet fingers to her lips. She was still relaxed against our bodies. She was like a puppet. I enjoyed more action in my participants, but this was their show.

When she didn’t part her lips right away, the older guy crossed the room. The girl cried out as he grabbed her chin, practically yanking her from our hold. “Open your fucking mouth!”

His tone was harsher than it needed to be. When she was still too slow, he shook her hard enough that I heard her teeth clicking together.

“Now!” The command was punctured, with a sharp slap to her cheek. The red on her skin matched the color clouding my vision. The anger roared to life in an instant. Clawed at my chest to get out.

“Hey!” Maverick gripped his wrist. The bones creaked beneath his palm as the guy released his hold on her.

She jerked, falling against me. I grasped her cheek, smearing her wetness along her face. But I couldn’t enjoy it as I examined the mark he’d left behind. Her beautiful, creamy skin was marred by his touch.

The glare I shot him could’ve melted flesh. I hadn’t really noticed him before. But now I was. He was at least twice her age with salt and pepper hair. It was slicked back, making his widow’s peak worse. He had on an expensive suit and gold rings that did nothing to distract from the weight he needed to lose.

“Start listening, bitch.”

This motherfucker gave a bad name to Doms everywhere. He thought it was about controlling someone. Owning them. But that wasn’t all of it. You had to care about the person. To want the best for them. Maybe there was degradation, but there could also be praise.

“Don’t you think you should take it a little easier on her?” Maverick tightened his grip, but the asshole wasn’t backing down.

He wrenched his arm free and raised a sardonic brow. “You have no right to tell me how to treat my whore.”

I made a note to find out his identity and remove his membership. I looked at the rage in Maverick’s gaze and knew we were done. They’d have to look for someone else to help play out their fantasies, because this wasn’t for us.

A sigh escaped me as I grasped the girl’s waist again. Something inside compelled me to get one last touch before we left. It was a craving. A compulsion. One more look, too. As I glanced down to where my hands grasped her fair skin, I noticed a deep purple bruise on her thigh.

The lighting was low, so I hadn’t seen it at first. With fresh eyes, I skimmed over her. There was more. Bruises on her legs and chest. Marks on her wrists.

“Mav?” I tilted my head down towards the bruises. His gaze narrowed as he dropped his hand from around her throat.

And there it was. Rope burn. It was partially hidden by make-up, but some of it had been disturbed by the heat of Maverick’s palm.

I turned to look at her face again. Her eyes didn’t focus as she stared at me. Almost as if she wasn’t seeing me or even the room. Her lids seemed to flutter, like she was struggling to keep them open.

My lungs constricted. It wasn’t unusual to see marks or bruises on someone at the club. But their whole dynamic was off. Alarm bells had been ringing in my mind since that asshole had first opened his mouth. But I’d listened to my dick instead.

“Sweetheart, what’s your safe word?” I asked low enough so only she could hear.

She mumbled something and shook her head. It was barely even a shake, more a light back and forth as her skull lulled on my shoulder. Her body leaned heavily on mine, as if I was the only thing holding her up.

“Is she high?” My teeth raked over my lower lip as I tried to control my rage.

Without a hint of concern or regret, the old guy glanced at me. “She wanted something to take the edge off.”

“What the fuck?” Maverick shouted as he gently took her from my arms, laying her softly on the carpet. “She can’t consent if she’s high.”

“That’s not how it fucking works.” My jaw ached as I clinched it, staring at her limp body. It wasn’t sexual anymore. All I felt was concern. Worry for this girl I didn’t even know.

“She agreed before. She wants this.” He stood, thinking he could intimidate us. There was a look of determination in his eyes. “Keep going.”

My stomach dropped as I continued to stare at her. Her chest rose on shallow breaths. Her pink lips were parted. Her lids closed, hiding their beguiling green color. She seemed soft. Fragile.

I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out and brushing a strand of dark hair from her face. “Do you want us to keep going?”

Her eyes flicked open, and for a moment they were clear. She held my gaze like she was trying to convey something without words. But she only needed to say a single one. “No.”