“No. Thank you.”
Reid’s desperate gaze meant mine through the rearview mirror. He was the planner. The one in control. But I don’t think even he knew what we were doing with her.
“It’s probably been hours since you’ve eaten.”
“I’ve gone longer.” Her voice was as lifeless as the rest of her.
I wanted to reach out and grab her waist. Pull her to my side until she felt safe. Until the life came back into her eyes.
I couldn’t deny the part of me that needed to touch her. Needed to feel her silky skin under my palm again. Feel the rushing of her heartbeat under my thumb.
I was a sick fucking bastard, considering what had been done to her. I had enough sanity to know how wrong that was. And not to act on it.
“Come on. Some hot, salty fries sound amazing right now.” My playful tone seemed to fall flat.
Her fingers curled tighter into the pillow. Her eyes clouded. “All he gave me was fast food.”
“Fuck.” I whispered. All my charm disappeared.
Taking care of her was like a landmine. But I couldn’t stop this protective urge that tugged on my gut. I pulled out my phone and placed an order. Next, I texted Reid, giving him updated directions.
We crossed the limits into Fairview. Reid took a left turn instead of going straight back to the clubs or turning right towards home. Connor tilted his head in question, but Reid shook him off.
A few minutes later, we were pulling into a mostly empty parking lot. Violet didn’t say a word as I exited the car.
It was close to three in the morning. The restaurant had closed a while ago, but time didn’t matter for us. Not when everyone in the city knew who we were.
Either they feared us. Or knew of our charity work and were grateful. Or like the young guy standing by the back door, they frequented our clubs. Glad to provide a favor, knowing they’d get one in return.
“Thanks, Felipe.” I slapped him on the shoulder before I took the heavy bag. “You’re sure you’re up to a fight? Ares is the real deal.”
“I’m ready.” His jaw hardened. I saw the demons behind his eyes. Recognized them. I nodded in confirmation before walking away.
A few minutes later, we were heading home. But I wasn’t paying attention as I unpacked the food. Violet jerked as I set the heavy glass plate in her lap. Not paper or Styrofoam, nothing she could associate with him.
“Chicken, steak, lobster, broccoli, potatoes and rice.” I said, as I portioned some of each onto the plate. “Little bit of everything.”
Her gaze finally held an expression, confusion as I handed her a real fork and a steak knife. The blade was serrated and dulled from overuse. My dick hardened as she wrapped her fingers around the handle. She looked good armed.
“You got this for me?” She stared suspiciously at the bag with its fancy logo. My chest pinched. It was a small gesture. Not enough and still she couldn’t accept it.
Instead of trying to reason with her. I kept it light. “I expect you to share.”
Smiling, I grabbed the fried chicken wing. The breading crunched under my teeth and the flavor exploded on my tongue. Felipe might be a messed up kid, but he was a damn good cook.
“Is that Felipe’s fried chicken?” Connor turned towards us. “Hand it over, dick.”
“Since you asked so nicely.” I made sure to kick the back of his seat as I handed him the smallest piece.
Acting normally seemed to work because, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Violet take a bite. The worry inside me settled as she kept eating. She finished the broccoli, rice, and lobster. I would’ve been happy if she ate it all. But I suppose some was better than none.
“Thank you.” She said as she handed me the plate. I wanted to tell her she didn’t have to be so polite. But something told me criticizing her in any way right now would be a bad idea.
I tucked the dish into the bag, but when I reached for the knife, she tightened her grip. Her chest rose on an uneven breath. Her nostrils flared. I saw the fight in her expression.
But as quickly as it came, it went. Her eyes widened in horror, like she’d done something wrong. She shook as she loosened her hold on the cutlery. I felt her start to slip away. At the last second, before the knife dropped, I grasped her hand.
She flinched as I curled her fingers around the blade before releasing her. “Keep it.”