Page 59 of Forever Ink

“My butt is calm, it’s the rest of me that isn’t. Pop is my colouring buddy.” Rhys’s voice took on a plaintive tone.

“Baby, come sit here next to Daddy. I think you are stressed out over more than just Pop being missing.” I patted the bed alongside the bag, and Rhys obediently came and sat down pulling his posse of teddy bears to him.

“But you’ll find Pop,” Rhys stated firmly.

“Yes I will, love. I remember I put him away safely after our breakfast in bed the other morning.” I pulled out Rhys’s play blanket and felt animals, and at the bottom of my bag my fingers brushed against a familiar feeling box. “Yes!” I dramatically pulled Pop out. It sat nestled safely in its protective cover, but I was still going to give it a wash before Rhys got hold of it, and it looked like I needed to affix another chain to it.

Rhys squealed, reaching out his hands, but I held Pop away. “Wait. He needs a wash and a new chain.”

“But—” Rhys pouted crossing his arms across his chest.

“No buts. Now while I do this, you pick up those clothes.” Rhys let out a loud groan, flinging himself back on the bed. And I was certain I heard a muttered doo–doo head, but Rhys rolled off the bed to start picking up his clothes. Something in his behaviour was hinting that at some point tonight he was going to push it. Rhys was still finding it hard to ask for some things. We’d both realised early on that sometimes he needed a solid spanking session to help him clear out his brain, especially when things were worrying him, but he still found it hard to ask for spankings, and as a result he tended to misbehave when he wanted one.

By the time I’d rinsed off Pop and found a new paci chain, Rhys had piled his clothes up next to his bag in a jumbled pile. Shrugging I sighed. At least it no longer looked like his bag had exploded.

“Come here, Rhee.” Rhys shuffled over to me.

“Why don’t we get you changed out of your jeans into your pjs, then we can go have some lunch and some play time?” I was rewarded with a huge smile from Rhys, his cheeks dimpling adorably.

“The new ones Mouse got me?” Rhys pointed to his bag. I knew which ones he meant. The pants were dark blue with puppies dressed in Christmas hats. Mouse had a pair in green, and they had looked adorable on Christmas day in them. Not that I’d said that to Mouse. He would have scowled and gone and changed if I’d dared mention that he looked cute, my brother did not think he did cute.

“Do you want big boy pants or your training ones?” I watched Rhys’s face. Diaper play was still something new for us. Rhys loved the security they gave him when he was struggling with nightmares and the occasional accident but had started to enjoy them more in our play as well.

“Scooby.” Rhys bounced on his feet as he spoke. The scooby training pants it was. I smiled inwardly at how pleased I was with his choice. I thought his sexy little arse looked adorable in those padded pants—almost biteable.

“Daddy, are you thinking dirty things?”

“And why would you think that?” I didn’t bother to hide the smirk as I bent down and pulled out a pair of pants from the bag, throwing them onto the bed along with Rhys’s new pjs. “Up on the bed, sexy boy, and let Daddy get you changed.”

“Pop, Daddy.” Rhys climbed up onto the bed, knee-walking toward me.

“Oh right.” I’d forgotten I was still holding his pop and I held it out. Rhys parted his lips in an O, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. I rubbed the latex nipple against them. Rhys let out a soft whimper before latching onto his Pop. I couldn’t take my eyes off his mouth, or the way his cheeks pulled in as he slowly sucked on Pop. My dick was definitely interested. I pushed the heel of my hand against my cock. Now was not the time to get distracted.

I was pulled from my current horny distraction by Rhys’s sweet giggle. His blue eyes shone. Rhys rested back on his elbows, smiling around his pop at me.

“Okay, boy, arms up, let’s get this shirt off you.” I tugged lightly at Rhys’s shirt hem. My sweet boy obediently lifted his arms, lips still pursed around his pop, his eyes soft as he regressed deeper.

I undid his jeans, and kissed his smooth stomach as I slid his pants and underwear down. I grabbed the padded underwear and slid them up his legs, again leaning down to kiss him, this time on either side of his narrow hips. Next was his long-sleeved t-shirt followed by his pyjama pants. As each bit of clothing went on, Rhys dipped deeper into his little space. By the time I was rolling on his thick socks, the rhythmic pulls on his pop had slowed down. I was tempted to put him to bed and nap with him.

Once I had him dressed, I crawled onto the bed alongside him, pulling him against my chest.

“How about an afternoon nap before we do anything else?” I pushed Rhys’s curls back from his face so I could see his eyes. He nodded and pushed himself so he was laying across my chest, his slim fingers curling into the material of my t-shirt.

“Story, daddy?” Rhys murmured softly around his pacifier.

“Hmm.” I ran my fingers through Rhys’s curls “Let’s see if I can remember one. Too comfortable to move from the bed now.”

Rhys patted my chest as if agreeing to my decision.

I smiled when I thought of the perfect story, one I’d memorised since I was a child and one I remembered my mum reading to Mouse. Pushing myself up against the pillows, I settled Rhys against me. “The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind or another.”

Rhys nodded, making a soft rawr sound around his Pop.

Chapter 22


It had been two weeks since we’d gotten back from the farm and New Year’s Eve had come and gone. I’d not heard a word from Susan, but I knew she’d be contacting me again soon. Call it a gut instinct, but I had a feeling before the month was out, I’d be seeing her. I finished up filing the last two of the patient notes. I just had Doc’s latest medical journal entry to spellcheck and I was done for the afternoon. Emma, the new part-time receptionist, would be in at one, giving me the rest of the afternoon off.