“Always, baby bear. You never know when you’re going to find sugary donuts or get yourself covered in cum.” Simon grinned mischievously.
“Well, it is always best to be prepared.” I giggled, feeling slightly euphoric from my orgasm.
“You ready to head back? I think the others should be here.” Simon buttoned his jeans back up and sitting, he helped me to my feet.
I nodded as I bent down to help Simon fold the blanket and put everything back in Simon’s backpack. I caught him watching me, and couldn’t help but swing my butt a little, teasing him.
“Naughty little minx.” Daddy stepped closer, pulling me in for another toe-curling kiss, his hands cupping my backside. “Be a good boy for Daddy today and I’ll reward you tonight.”
I was already getting hard again, and the mention of rewards had an almost pavlovian response in my brain. Rewards meant either sexy rewards which, yay, or a new toy—both of which were brilliant. But I was betting it was going to be the sexy kind.
“I can be super good,” I answered, fluttering my lashes for extra effect.
“Down, baby boy. Tonight if you’re good, but that also means no sneaky jerk offs.” Daddy arched his brow knowingly.
“One time, and you don’t forget, do you?” I tried to act offended, but I really wasn’t.
“One time? I think you have forgotten how to count, baby bear.” Drat. Okay, so he’d busted me a few times. But it wasn’t my fault he made my libido go crazy.
“Okay, fine. We should get back. Ollie might be missing me.”
Simon sighed. “You named that pup, didn’t you?’
I skipped ahead, refusing to answer Simon. If I didn’t hear him say no, then there was still a chance that pup could be mine.
Chapter 11
“No, Mouse. Not you too?” I groaned, seeing my brother sitting amidst the puppy pile, and I could swear Lizzie looked rather smug, as if she’d found another perfect person for her precious litter. Alice, Callum’s little girl, sat next to Mouse staring at the pups with adoring eyes. Rhys didn’t take long to get himself in the middle of the pile, but not before hugging my brother and kissing Alice on the top of her head.
Dropping down into a kitchen chair I let out a tired yawn. “Clouds seem to be thickening up. Don’t think it will be long before we get a dumping of snow. I’m glad we got the tree now and didn’t wait till tomorrow.”
Dad tapped his pipe on the edge of an old saucer, nodding. “I’ll get you and Callum to help me bring it into the snug. Mouse and Rhys can head up to the attic and bring down the boxes of decorations.”
“Sounds good, but hot drink first,” I answered, looking over. Rhys was holding his phone and smiling. He caught me looking. “Grandad is stopping overnight at some fancy pub, but says he’ll be here bright and early tomorrow.”
“Tell him to take it easy. The weather is going to be shite,” my dad answered as he handed me a mug of steaming coffee. “Knew Rhys’s hot chocolate was not going to be what you needed, lad. How’d he enjoy the picnic?”
“He loved it. Thanks for making up the sandwiches.”
“Wasn’t a bother, lad, and if it brought a smile to young Rhy’s face then it was worth it.” Dad smiled warmly. “We’re going to have a full house for Julaften this year. Your Mum would have loved it.” I nodded, catching the pained expression that crossed Mouse’s face.
The accident happened nine years ago but I knew that to Mouse it still felt like yesterday. Try as I might, I couldn’t convince him it wasn’t his fault. Looking at him more closely I could see the skin around his mouth looked pinched, his eyes tired. I knew his breakup with his arsehole ex had been a nightmare, but I had been so caught up with Rhys I’d not really spent as much time with him as I should have.
Callum cleared his throat, drawing my attention. He gave a slight shake of his head. I’d grill him after. If anyone knew how Mouse was doing, it would be Cal.
“All right you three, time, to let Lizzie girl feed her pups. You lot can get the Christmas decorations down and start sorting through them. Mitchel, you and Rhys can head up to the attic. The boxes are clearly marked.”
“What about me? I’m big and I can help.” Alice sat up straighter, still holding one of the pups. At only eight she had her dad’s confidence and steel grey eyes, but her hair was almost as red and curly as mine. Today it had been done in a tidy braid.
“Yes you can, but the ladder up to the attic is a bit of a climb. I think until the boys get the boxes down you can come out and help me make sure the sheep have come in, see if Ragnar and the girls are ready to settle into the barn overnight.”
Alice clapped her hands and jumped up excitedly. She loved that cursed ram of my Dad’s. Me, on the other hand? I liked to keep half a paddock between me and Ragnar. The Hebridean ram hated me on sight, and didn’t think twice before trying to head-butt me with his damn horns.
Rhys’s eyes went wide at the mention of more fluffy animals and Dad caught the look. “Don’t worry, Rhys. You can help Mitchel feed them tonight.”