Page 18 of Forever Ink

“No, Daddy. It’s a terrible, terrible idea.”

Honestly, the whole thing was a huge turn on, but I was not going to give up that information willingly. Sometimes a boy needed to make his Daddy work for some things.

“Oh, I don’t think you hate it as much as you make out, but we’ll leave that for another day. Now how about I get some wipes and clean us up?”

I looked down and saw I’d gotten cum all over Daddy’s t-shirt. Daddy didn’t seem bothered by it when he saw it, he just pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor with my pants and underwear.

I lay back and enjoyed the view of my Daddy’s naked torso before he disappeared from my line of sight, only to return with a warm washcloth. I stretched out and let him wipe me clean, sinking into the mattress of the daybed. Daddy moved away again to the dresser that held my onesies and diapers. I no longer felt embarrassed about wanting to wear a diaper. It gave me a form of comfort I hadn’t known I could have. Laying back and letting my daddy take care of me in such an intimate manner settled something in my brain that allowed me to sleep better. It wasn’t just not having to worry about having an accident. The feeling of the diaper around me was like an extra soft layer of daddy’s love, as corny as it sounded.

The crinkling sound of the diaper drew my attention back to Daddy. He also had something else in his hand—Mr Ted. I reached out eagerly for my bear, pulling him toward my face and pressing my nose against his fur, inhaling deeply. I swear to God, plushies were the little’s equivalent to ecstasy. One sniff of his fur could send a bad day packing. I lay back and cuddled him while Daddy powdered my skin and set my diaper right. I winced a little when setting my hips down onto the bed as Daddy moved me around to pull up my pyjama bottoms. Oh boy, my butt was going to sting tomorrow. It was already an achy kind of hurt, but it made me feel good at the same time.

“You ready to go cuddle on the sofa, baby bear?” Daddy asked, helping me sit up.

“That sounds perfect.” I reached up to touch Daddy’s face. “I’m sorry I forgot to call you.”

Daddy laid his hand over mine before tipping my hand up and bringing it to his mouth to kiss my palm. “I’m never going to tell you that you cannot go somewhere, baby boy. This isn’t about controlling you. If I know where you are, and trouble happens, or you just need me I can find you quickly.”

“Daddy, I’ve never felt like you’re controlling me, and I understand. And even though I hate getting punished, it really does help me remember. But just so you know, I really, really hate corner time.”

Daddy smiled mischievously as he settled himself on the sofa opening his arms wide in invitation for me to climb into his lap. “You know you should never tell your daddy the punishment you hate the most, baby.”

“Nuts. Can you like, forget that I just said that?” I scooted forward, giving him the biggest sad eyes I knew how to do.

Daddy tipped his head back and grinned. “I might be open to a little bribery.”

Taking the cue, I climbed onto his lap, letting out a little hiss as my rump settled on his broad thighs. “How about some kisses? I hear they are a very good form of currency.” I kissed him quickly before he had a chance to answer, kissing him fast and hungrily. I pulled away, feeling very proud of my bribery technique.

Daddy pulled me back against him and hugged me hard. “Well, I might just have to let you keep bribing me if it’s going to be like that. But how about we relax for a while? We have a long drive up to the farm tomorrow and the next few days are going to be crazy.”

“Muppet Movie and toasties?” I asked hopefully. Daddy made the best ham and cheese toasted sandwiches.

“You bet, and some tomato soup.”

“Yes.” I fist pumped, jumping off his lap, eager to watch a movie and cuddle up with Daddy.

Chapter 9


The Land Rover bumped and lurched along the road towards my dad’s farm. Road was a kind word for the track. Every winter it got bad, and every spring Dad filled in the potholes and ran his tractor over it to try and make it more passable, but it was a losing battle. I hadn’t been out to the farm since before Rhys had landed in my life. Dad had made the trip in to join us for Rhys’s birthday though, finally getting to meet him and give his fatherly approval—not that I needed it, but it settled something in me, watching my dad embrace Rhys as one of his own within minutes of meeting him.

Rhys bounced excitedly in his seat as we drew closer to the farm. I caught Rhys’s wince and the way he reached down to rub his bruised bottom. Smiling inwardly I kept my eyes on the road. The bruises on Rhys’s bum were a sure reminder to my boy to remember the rules in the future.

“How much longer?” Rhys sat forward, peering out the mud splattered front window.

“Another ten minutes or so, but we’ll be able to see the farm soon.” The road we were on rose up a steep incline dropping down to the valley and creek after the crest. It afforded the best view of the farm. I loved looking at it from that vantage point, and pulled the car over when we reached the top.

“Come on, I want to show you something.” I leapt out, bracing myself as the cold wind hit me. It was easy to forget just how cold it got out here. Rhys got out of the car and came around to my side, quickly burrowing himself against my front, his cheeks already ruddy from the cold.

“Holy shit, it’s cold out here. Why are we out here freezing our balls off?” he grumbled, pushing his hands under my jumper.

Tugging his beanie further down over his ears, I turned him so he was facing the view, the farm sitting at the low end of the valley surrounded by the rocky hills. “There is the farm. That’s the riverI learned to swim in, and I had to fish Mouse out of on more than one occasion.”

Rhys shivered in my arms. “I’m not learning to swim in there. Too damn cold.”

I snorted, pulling him closer. “In the summer its warmer. Not by much, granted, but it’s nice.” I looked over at the hills and smiled. They were already covered in snow. “No swimming, I promise, but you know what we can do?”

“What?” Rhys tipped his face towards mine. He looked adorable with his bear beanie and wind-reddened cheeks. I had to kiss him, before tipping his face to one of the hills behind the farmhouse.