Page 21 of Forever Ink

They worked together with few words, Simon marking the trunk while Magnus stood back looking at the tree critically, pointing to the spot he wanted to cut. I couldn’t take my eyes of Daddy… the way his muscles bunched up as he brought down the axe with a solid thwack, I wanted to do dirty sexy things to him. My musings of debauchery were ended when Magnus spoke.

“We’ll take the top off once we get it back down to the farmhouse.” He and Simon laid out a large canvas sheet that they slid the tree onto, then wrapped it like a giant Christmas cracker before taking an end each and carrying it back to where the quad bike and UTV sat.

Lizzie and I stood back while they loaded the tree onto Magnus’s UTV. I watched Simon start tying the tree down, and I had to admit my mind might have wandered to places it shouldn’t on seeing Simon dextrously tying knots and making sure the tree was secure—definitely not PG tree related thoughts—and Simon must have guessed, judging by the shit-eating grin he gave me.

Magnus gave us both a fondly dismissive snort. “You boys can go have a wander while I get this back down to the house and enjoy some quiet time before the rabble descend on us.”

“You mean Alice or Mouse?” Simon shot back, stepping away from the UTV while Magnus and Lizzie got inside.

“Your brother, of course. Alice is better behaved than the lot of you,” Magnus replied, laughing. We could still hear him cackling as he pulled away.

Simon moved to the quad and pulled the backpack he’d strapped to it off and onto his shoulder. That must have been where the apple had been. I wondered what other goodies Simon had hidden, but before I could dwell on that thought Simon stepped into my space. I wrapped my arms around him, pressing my face against his chest and enjoying the warmth and the solid thump of his heart beneath my ear.

“Dad’s right. Things are going to be crazy for the next few days. I’m glad my old room is at the far end of the house. We’ll just have to be extra quiet when I fuck you awake in the morning.” Simon’s breath ruffled my hair as I buried my face against his chest, the thought of him fucking me awake sending delicious shivers down my back.

“Have to plug you up tonight, make sure you’re nice and loose for me in the morning when I wake up and have to have my little bear’s arse.”

Oh man.

Simon’s words were getting me hard, a fact I knew he was aware of by the way his hands had crept around and squeezed my arse in that possessive way he had.

“Daddy,” I pleaded, “you’re getting me all horny.”

Simon’s chuckle was borderline evil, his hands kneading my arse through my thick denim jeans.

“Well, baby bear, you’re just going to have to be a little bit patient. I want to show you something.” Simon leaned down and claimed my mouth in a hungry kiss, the sort of kiss that normally led to me screaming out his name and being railed against whatever available surface we had. But not this time. He stepped back and zipped my jacket up and tucked my scarf into my collar before leading me deeper into the copse of trees.

“Where are we going?” I linked our fingers, with Simon’s gloves making it slightly awkward, but neither of us were complaining.

“Want to show you something.” Simon had a small, secretive grin, his cheeks and the skin not hidden by his beard tinged pink.

The temperature had started to drop, and our breath huffed out in white plumes as we walked deeper into the small wood. It felt like I was in a fairy tale with the snow on the ground and the trees surrounding us. There were even squirrels dashing about, and I had my very own woodsman holding my hand. I started to hum Teddy Bear’s Picnic, and Simon startled me by humming along.

The trees thinned out when we reached a small tumbledown building. Most of the stones that had once been its walls had collapsed back into the woodland floor; there were only parts of the front and side wall left standing, holding up a small section of roof keeping the snow from that small space. Moss covered most of the stonework and brambles clung about everywhere else.

It was magical.

Holding Simon’s hand tighter, I followed him into the building’s shell. There was an old lean-to built against the standing wall, but it too looked like it had seen better days, with a small unused fire pit and fallen log that looked like it had been put there on purpose.

“What is this place?” I said as I walked around the tumble of stone.

Simon led me over to the log and lowered himself down, pulling me into his lap. I happily complied snuggling against his chest.

“This was my hiding spot. I came out here to read comics or dirty magazines.” Simon grinned. “It was also a great spot to hide when Mouse was being extra annoying. I had my first kiss out here, too.”

I had to admit I was a little bit jealous of whoever got to be Simon’s first kiss—not a ‘grrr’ jealous, but more an ‘I would have loved to have been that’. But Simon had been my first with everything, and nobody could take that from me.

Simon pulled me tighter as if knowing my thoughts. “It was Kelly Dunn, and it was after that I knew girls did nothing for me. She became my wingman through high school. She moved to London to attend art school and met her partner there. They run an art gallery, and sometimes they show some of my art.”

Hang on.

I knew Simon was talented—you just had to look at the tattoos he did and the sketches he did for them—but he’d had artwork shown in public?

“What sort of art?”

Simon blushed “Mostly portrait stuff, some ink sketches. Sold a few of them, but it’s not really my thing.”

I crossed my arms and tried to look angry, “You haven’t shown me any of them. When we get home, Mr Daddy, I demand to see them.”