Page 47 of Viking Ink

“Nuh—uh, Daddy. I’ll be the bestest boy.” I bit my bottom lip, trying not to moan when Daddy started to knead my sore flesh. It was so confusing. My bottom hurt and I shouldn’t be getting turned on, but the feel of his hands against my tender skin was giving my brain mixed messages. “Daddy,” I whispered quietly, embarrassed about the sudden interest my cock was taking.

“Hmm?” Daddy kissed my forehead and cheeks, the hair of his beard tickling my neck.

I pouted. “I’m getting hard, Daddy.”

“Oh no. We can’t have that now, can we?” Daddy smiled, his other hand ghosting over my cock for the briefest moment.

My hips gave a little abortive thrust, wanting more, but Daddy took his hand away, smiling wickedly.

“Daddy, you’re teasing me.”

He hummed happily against the crown of my head, and I felt his lips twitch in a smile. “I am. Daddies are allowed to. I’ll tell you what, if you’re a good boy and pick up your blocks and toys, after bath time Daddy will give you an extra special reward.”

“A reward, even though I was naughty?” I looked up at Daddy’s face, confused.

“You took your spanking like a champ, baby, and as I said, once punishment is over, all is forgiven. You were a very brave boy to take your punishment so well.”


“I like rewards.” I gave Daddy what I hoped was a saucy wink.

Daddy wasn’t taking the bait. He lifted me to my feet and helped pull my sweatpants up. “After your bath, I’ll put some lotion on your bottom to help take the sting out. But first, let’s get these toys cleaned up.”

I blinked, suddenly seeing what Daddy had been doing while I was playing.

I’d been so in my little space, I’d not noticed how most of the boxes had been unpacked. The cute cube unit had been filled with toys and books. There was even a new throw blanket and pillow on the bed.

“It looks like a proper playroom, Daddy.”

Daddy bent to pick something up—my pop. I’d forgotten I spat it out. I reached out for it, but Daddy shook his head. “Been on the floor, little one. Let Daddy clean it first.”

“Kay,” I muttered. I wasn’t as deeply in little space as I had been, but I’d grown strongly attached to my pop. I was kind of thrown how it didn’t embarrass me like I’d thought it might.

Daddy gave me a wink and touched my cheek briefly. “Don’t fret. You start tidying and I’ll go run pop under some water, okay?”

“Okay.” I sighed dramatically as I dropped down onto the play mat and started to pick up my blocks. Once I had the blocks away and the animals back in their basket, I got up and looked around the room some more.

I didn’t hear Daddy come in, and jumped a little when I heard his warm voice. “Do you like it, baby bear?” His arms came around my waist and I leaned back into his embrace.

“I love it, Daddy. Is this really all for me?”

Daddy’s arms tightened around me. “I’d started collecting things. I dreamed about having a playroom set up that my little boy would love. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was getting ready for you to come into my life.”


I bit my lip hard. I was not going to blurt out how much I loved him like an idiot, but when he said stuff like that, oh, my romantic heart thumped hard. “I’m glad you found me too, Daddy.”

Daddy kissed me soundly on the cheek, smiling. “Maybe tonight we can do some online shopping, look at some play clothes you could wear.”

Oooh. I wiggled, excited. Mitch and I had looked at some of the online stores. I wanted a onesie with bears, and Mitch had told me I would look super cute. Maybe Mitch and I could have a playdate—wait, would that be weird with Simon being his brother? Still, he was finally free of that narrow-minded douchebag he’d been dating.

He was living at Cal’s. Hmm. Cal looked like a big daddy bear.


Maybe I could help Mitch like he’d helped me.

But any plans for helping my friend would have to wait for now. Daddy had promised a bath, and I hoped for playtime of a different type after. My ears burned as I thought about it, and Daddy’s chuckle told me he’d noticed.