“It’s something we can explore later, baby. For now, how about nap time?” I suggested, helping Rhys down off the counter. His eyes shone with contentment even though he looked exhausted.
“Best idea ever, Daddy.”
Chapter 20
It had been close to a week since I’d had my encounter with Susan.
Donald, as promised, had kept me in the loop with what was going on, but it was a slow process. He’d promised that both she and my father were being watched by the local coppers. Donald had assured me that the detectives were in no way aligned with my father, and closer investigation had shown there had been rumblings and complaints about him for quite some time.
My dad had always led me to believe that he was seen as a paragon of exemplary behaviour within the force, but now I was learning he was seen as quite the opposite. It gave me a small sense of satisfaction knowing that my dad’s delusions and hubris would be his undoing.
I swivelled back and forth on the stool, looking around the studio. Simon and Cal were busy working on clients’ tattoos and Mitch was talking another client through a piercing they wanted—a nipple piercing, which piqued my curiosity as it was something I wanted too. Mitch had already pierced my ear, and yesterday he’d given me my industrial, which had hurt like anything, but Daddy had held my hand and called me brave, and the blowjob for being a good boy last night had been pretty spectacular. God, just thinking about it had me feeling horny again and the view of Daddy’s broad back as he was bent over tattooing Mica didn’t help.
The last few weeks felt like a dream. I had to stop pinching myself and worrying I’d wake to find I was still sleeping in bus shelters and that this was all some wish fulfillment dream. Thinking about all the amazing stuff Simon had done for me got my brain whirling. I wanted to show him how much it meant—how much he meant to me—and I had a plan. While he was busy working, I was going to sneak back upstairs and prepare him the most romantic meal possible, which with my limited recipe knowledge was going to be a challenge.
I twirled around in my chair again and looked at the colouring page I had done. Daddy had brought me a whole set of coloured pencils that were amazing, with so many shades I was spoiled for choice, but I couldn’t quiet my brain enough to enjoy colouring right now. I had to admit, I was feeling a little caged this week. Simon hadn’t let me out of his sight, worried that something bad might happen. My reasoning of ‘if it hasn’t happened yet it isn’t going to’ and my belief that my dad would be smart and keep away from Sodden had been met with a firm scowl from Simon.
Somehow, I needed to get out of the shop without my Daddy following me. I had Mitch’s recipe for lasagne in my pocket, and a shopping list for what I needed. Simon would be a few more hours on Mica’s back piece, so that would give me plenty of time to cook and clean the flat. I was just going to have to convince Simon I was going up to the flat, and not taking a side trip to the market.
Sliding from my stool, I moved over to where Simon was working, waiting patiently for him to notice me.
“Hey, baby bear. Are you getting bored already?” Simon looked up as he wiped away excess ink from Mica’s shoulder blade. As always, I was surprised by the fondness in his voice when he spoke to me.
I smiled, tilting my head at Mica’s back. “I was thinking you’re going to be a while, so I might head up to the flat and start cleaning. My, umm, room is a bit of a mess from last night.” I’d been in the middle of building the most fantastic Lego tower when I’d been struck by how sexy my Daddy was, and I’d needed him right there and then. The Lego tower had been crushed in my rush to climb my bear of a Daddy, and we’d been too tired afterwards to clean up the blocks, so technically I was telling the truth. I did intend on picking up my toys—after I’d gone to the market and attempted to make lasagne.
I saw the skin around Simon’s eyes tighten and his jaw go firm. “I don’t know, Ree. I’m sure I could find something around here for you to do.”
I sighed but didn’t give in. “Nope. I need some me time. I’m feeling a little claustrophobic.” I could see Simon’s resolve morph into guilt, and felt slightly bad about it. While I wanted some time to do the things I needed, I didn’t want Simon feeling bad about protecting me. I loved that about him—I loved how safe he made me feel—but right now I just needed a tiny bit less of it.
“I—I just want to keep you safe.” Simon answered, looking contrite.
“I know, and I love that, but I’m just going to go up and clean the flat. I’ll have my phone, and I’ll make sure the door is locked,” I reasoned, hoping it would work.
I saw the moment his expression shifted. “Okay, Ree. But you promise, phone with you and the door locked?”
Leaning forward, I pressed a quick kiss to Simon’s cheek. “I promise I’ll be good.”
“You’d better. I’ll be home in a couple of hours. If you get scared or worried, come back down, okay?” Concern was etched on his handsome face.
“Cross my heart,” I answered before I darted for the door, waving at Mitch and Cal as I left.
Calculating how many hours I had before Simon came home, I realised I may not have enough time to clean and then make a lasagne from scratch, but I knew Marco’s, the Italian place up by the square, had them made to go, so a quick side trip and I was heading home with a fresh lasagne and two sticks of their cheesy garlic bread. Now all I had to do was tidy the kitchen and the playroom, and I could sit back and relax—alone—for a few hours.
The kitchen wasn’t too bad, just our dishes from breakfast. We’d both been running late this morning and the bowls and cups had been left in the sink. I put the lasagne in the fridge, and put the other groceries away. I glared at the sink full of dishes—they were not on the list of my favourite things to do, but they had to be done. The dishes turned into sweeping and mopping the floor. I was turning into my grandad. He loved having everything neat and tidy and it made me feel good that Simon would walk into a fresh, clean kitchen.
Now I had to face the playroom.
I groaned when I opened the door to the playroom. It looked like a tornado had gone off inside. There were Lego blocks all over the floor and my plushies were strewn about the room, except for Mr Ted and Mr Huff, who were snuggled up in Simon’s bed—our bed, I amended to myself with a smile. I was already tired, but I knew once I’d gotten everything back where it belonged I could have a small power nap before Simon got home.
I started picking up the Lego, laughing when I found pieces all over the room. When my magnificent tower had collapsed, bits must have flung everywhere. After the Lego was packed away, I picked up my stuffies and placed them in their special cubby hole in the bookshelf. I gave each one a hug and a kiss before I sat them neatly in their spot. Turning to the bed, I gave a tired sigh. Simon had fucked me rather enthusiastically at my urging, and the bed was a complete disaster. Bending down I found a bottle of lube and one of Simon’s socks. Further digging revealed the cute little boy shorts I had been wearing. I threw them, along with Simon’s sock, over by the door.
The bedcover needed to be stripped off. We’d made a bit of a mess, so I bundled it up with the sheets, grabbed the sock and underwear, and took them through to the kitchen. The washer was set against the far wall, tucked under the counter. I was tempted to stop and make a cuppa, but I needed to make the bed and put a fresh bedcover over it. Ugh. Still, soon I could curl up with my teddies and have a well-earned nap.
Eventually the room looked perfect, every toy back in its place and the bed made.
My phone beeped.